Wednesday 28 February 2018

Watches & Wonders

via One Dapper Street

Ryan Seacrest will still be hosting E!’s Oscars red carpet amid sexual abuse allegations

People are deleting their Vero accounts for this controversial reason

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s first joint engagement with Kate and William

Revive Your Winter Wardrobe with This Styling Hack February 28, 2018 at 01:45PM

via Girl With Curves It's easier than you think.

You can now buy vegan Baileys in the UK

Is it ‘inappropriate’ to ask Ivanka about Donald Trump’s sexual assault allegations? 

Checks and Chains Wearing: Michael Lo Sordo grey wrap blazer and Reliquia necklace I’ve just arrived in Paris for my twice a year buying trip for The Undone and its -3 degrees. For an Aussie this kind of weather is terrifying! My suitcase is packed full of thermals, knits and a puffer jacket, what a way to get thrown into the new season! The Australian winter is pretty mild, so pieces like this grey check wrap top by Michael Lo Sordo are very ideal. I love jackets that have a wrap in the waist, and you’ll see a lot of this silhouette this season.   Photos by Ana Suntay-Tanedo Harper and Harley

via Harper and Harley

Tuesday 27 February 2018

#MFW: Ferragamo AW18

via DearMilano

The Milan FW Fightback: flying bags and severed heads (AKA how to seize the spotlight from LFW)

Sculptural heels: the arty shoe trend that’ll up your #shoefie game

Here’s everything we know about the new feature film, McQueen

This is the most popular hair colour trend on Instagram

Aubrey Plaza just called out the Oscars for forgetting that Latina actresses exist

‘Tapping’ is the latest self-care trend that might just transform your life – but what exactly is it?

Five years of Sézane in five words, by Morgane Sézalory

What is Vero? Meet the app that’s sparked something of a social media protest

Keira Knightley just revealed the one thing that helped her ‘really bad’ skin

J.Crew has just launched super Instagrammable underwear and we wish they’d done it sooner

This limited edition NARS face collection is too good to miss

Monica Lewinsky just explained how the #MeToo movement has made her feel less alone

These are the most important beauty products you need to know about this year

The future of The Weinstein Company has finally been revealed

3 Actually Cool Outfits To Wear To Your Corporate Job Working in an office environment that doesn’t adhere to a strict dress code is both a blessing and a curse, depending on who you ask and when (me after a rare shopping spree VS. me on most days when I’ve *literally* got nothing to wear). Crippling indecision—combined with a love of snoozing, debilitating laziness, and proclivity for buying statement pieces that make absolutely no sense in the context of my wardrobe—means that I mostly wish I could just wake up and throw on a uniform, à la the golden old days of school. In lieu of a uniform, I really like to push the limits when it comes to informal office dressing. Take for example the pool slides I frequently house my feet in as if they aren’t a shoe made out of plastic, intended to be worn only in such circumstances as their name would suggest; or my legs, which are rarely introduced to a fabric outside of denim. At age 10 I decided I wanted to be a lawyer when I grew up. While I truly hope the following is untrue, Legally Blonde came out around this time and was probably the catalyst behind this particular career aspiration. I courted the idea for about five years, before realising that there were people out there who were willing to pay people like me money to write, which seemed infinitely more appealing to my magazine and blog-obsessed teenage brain than being a noble upholder/protector of the law. Since this brief dalliance is about as close as I’ve come to working a corporate job, I wasn’t too sure just how deeply these dress codes ran. Had I followed through with the lawyer idea, I probably would have rolled in on my first day wearing a hot pink leather suit like my 10-year-old hero, Elle Woods. To acquire the necessary qualifications to be scheming up these office-appropriate outfits, then, I turned to my IRL friends who work in the corporate werld, and also leaned a lil’ bit on my other pal, The Internet. The first friend I consulted with works in government policy and gave this response: “Most workplaces have a ‘wear clothes appropriate to your tasks’ type vibe to avoid negativity from prescriptive dress codes, so really anything goes at my workplace.” A good start. Another friend, who recently started in a similar role, believes she has struck the perfect balance between #fashion and #seriousemployee with a collection of blouses and trousers (like these here, here, here and here). I can vouch for this, having watched her try on her newly-acquired workdrobe with the kind of glee usually reserved for young children watching their mum put on makeup for a night out. My friend (who I’ll call Sorrel, because that’s her name) gave me a list of all the rules of dressing a corporate lawyer might encounter: high waists, lots of black grey and beige, only one fun piece, no big jewellery, jeans on Friday, and no cut outs. But perhaps the best reminder came from a friend who works in marketing, who reinforced the idea that the “the office is not a nightclub” so “don’t wear anything too short or revealing.” Noted! All of the friends I conferred with mentioned casual Friday (the importance of which is usually lost on me, ’cause you know, to me that is every day), so expect a follow-up post strictly reserved for TGIF dressing… But in the meantime, and with the above counsel behind me, I bring you 4 outfits that say both, I take this job very seriously, and, It’s called fashion sweetie, look it up.  Words: @madw0n Image: Valeria Lazzarini for STREET365 by @carmengracehamilton The post 3 Actually Cool Outfits To Wear To Your Corporate Job appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon


Monday 26 February 2018

Put the Business Back into Your Suit When did business suits get so boring? Every meeting I go to seems to be with the same guy in the same black suit, with the same pale blue shirt and the same non-offensive tie – usually navy and very shiny! Don’t even get me started on the shoes! Let’s change that shall we? When I started this blog 5 years ago it was all about ending casual Fridays and taking back the suit – Well, I mean, that was the dream at least! Now, don’t get me wrong, men’s fashion has come a long way and men are definitely putting some ‘pride’ on before they leave the house – No…’pride’ is not the new Calvin Klein cologne. But, it’s not really moving forward very quickly is it? Besides the influx of menswear influencers on Instagram #Dapper #MensStyle #MenswearBlogger (Everyone’s a f*#kin blogger these days). The real men out on the street sure are taking there sweet time stepping up. I’ve been getting a lot of mails about “Starting a new job and wanting to look the part” lately so decided I would put together this quick post on putting the business back into your suit. Your business suit of course…come on people it’s a play on words!   I’ve decided to take a basic ‘business look’ (dark suit, blue shirt, red tie) and give it a few tweaks to make it more contemporary. Let’s start with the suit. Unless you’re going to a funeral, don’t buy a black suit. Men seem to be obsessed with black suits and I’m not sure why, they’re just so damn boring. At the very least go for a dark navy and make sure it has something that sets it apart like a pattern or texture – preferably both. I decided on this Navy windowpane suit with a textured fabric – Windowpane is the new black so if you’re looking for a new suit, I would definitely go windowpane. This one is off the rack from River Island and won’t cost you more than $250 (so really no excuses). The pale blue shirt, seems to be the uniform of the white collar man. Does everyone see the irony here? I don’t know if we can change this ( I don’t know if we’re ready), but we can certainly make it better. Again, a little pattern goes a long way, so get something with a stripe or a check. This shirt is actually white with a fine blue check giving the illusion of a pale blue shirt but with the benefit of texture and contrast. Be brave and get a cutaway collar or even a club collar to give your shirt a more modern look, or retro modern look as it were. Now let’s talk ties. Look at your tie. Is it all nice and shiny? Turn it around. Does it say microfibre on the back or fine silk? Burn it. That’s right, burn it! There are so many more options out there for great ties that we’ve gotta lie those shiny ones down to rest. In fact, you can wear your black suit to the funeral! Heyyyy Yhooo! My recommendation may surprise you, but I’m gonna suggest going for a tie with texture. That’s right, wool, linen, cotton and even raw silk are all good options. I recently bought (yes, I actually bought them, this isn’t sponsored) a heap of ties from The Tie Bar, at $20 a tie you cant go wrong  – They even ship to South Africa so basically they’ll ship anywhere. Again not sponsored, I’m just a fan of good cheap ties. Try and keep the pattern on your tie subtle but interesting, it shouldn’t fight with everything else in your look. This burgundy tie has a slight polka dot which contrasts well with the suit and shirt. One last thing, stop with the skinny ties guys, it’s not the 80’s anymore, it’s not even the 80’s revival anymore. Last but not least, shoes. I mean, shoes is a blog post on its own but we don’t have the time. If it has a square toe, let it go. Ooooo…that’s a new slogan. “If it has a square toe let it go”. Don’t be afraid of shoes without laces, I promise they won’t fall off your feet. Go for a tasselled loafer or even a double monk strap and it will change your look completely. I’m wearing a pair of dark burgundy loafers to pick on the colour in the tie and pocket square. No, I haven’t forgotten about the pocket square, but I don’t want to be pushy. It’s not something you need to have and it’s not always necessary if you have something that compliments (not matches) your shirt and tie, then go for it. That’s pretty much it. I guarantee that if you walk into your next meeting looking like that, you’ll get the deal…or that intern from marketing but either way you’ll have a great day. Now go out and spread the word, everyone!!! If you know someone who you think should read this post, please pass it on! I’ve linked to all the items in this outfit above – where I couldnt find the exact item (like shirts and shoes) I’ve linked to something very similar. If you need help on getting your pattern mixing right, you can read my tips and tricks here. Okay. Stay fancy. whatmyboyfriendwore

via what my boyfriend wore

The Negative Space of being Alone

via Wide Eyed Legless


Let’s get something straight here, there is nothing negative about negative space. In my young pursuit of a life committed to the Arts, I quickly learned what the phrase “negative space” meant. In art, it is a phrase used to describe the blank space in and around the main subject, which is every bit as crucial (if not more so) then the main subject itself. The negative space allows us to see the nonnegative space in all its color, beauty, mystery and light.

I spent much of this past year being terrified of the unknown, being afraid of the negative space in my own life so to say. Specifically the lack of a partner and the loss of my marriage. But as I get farther away from those specific moments and memories I am gaining some much-needed clarity as it relates to being on my own: What isn’t there gives more meaning to what is.

I choose to embrace this season in my life, and this chance that I have to build what I want and live every day how I want. There is so much freedom and power in learning how to love and depend on yourself. So I encourage you to sit back and think about what “negative space” in your very own life might be present only to help you to make room for more growth, love and all those small moments of shining, shimmering light in between.



For any of you that feel like you are in a similar place, I suggest reading this book. It has been a great comfort to me through these past few months.

The post The Negative Space of being Alone appeared first on Wide Eyed Legless.


Dolce & Gabbana Used Drones On The Runway

This is the one thing Kate Middleton apparently looks to Meghan Markle for advice on

What you didn’t know about getting the A-list to the Oscars red carpet

10 speakers you *cannot* miss at Women of the World festival 2018

On Having It All + A Giveaway February 26, 2018 at 01:30PM

via Girl With Curves You CAN have your cake and eat it too.

Meghan Markle’s favourite bag brand has an exciting new collab

Jennifer Lawrence and Catt Sadler are teaming up to bridge the gender wage gap

Gigi fires up the runway with her last TommyNow show

Gucci Donates To Gun Control March

Emily Ratajkowski just got married in a Zara trouser suit

Natalie Portman: ‘I don’t have one story, I have 100 #MeToo stories’

Change your Instagram feed forever with this exclusive Samsung Galaxy S9 phone deal

Jennifer Lawrence just started her career in politics

Sunday 25 February 2018

How Do You Like To Workout? I had a shocking revelation the other night, you guys. As I sat across from my friend at a wee bar in New Zealand, innocently chipping away at a bottle of Pinot Gris, I admitted that I hadn’t been truly fit since high school. “Hun, that was 10 years ago,” he said, so very casually, as if this news wasn’t about to ruin my evening. ICYMI, 10 years is a decade. A decade is a tenth of a century. I hadn’t been truly fit in a tenth of a century. WTAF. Sure, I’ve dabbled in various physical exertions since then. I’ve signed up to more gyms and yoga studios than you could throw a kettle bell at, as if the mere act of paying for a gym membership was enough to ensure my physique was living its best life. In reality, I’ve really just been donating money to various corporations in a valiant (read: moronic) effort to keep them afloat. I enjoy gentle but powerful walks around the park, I’m not adverse to a downward dog, and I’d much rather chase fish/toss balls when at the beach than lay in the sun like a shrivelled up lizard. But lately I’ve been hankering to get proper fit. I’m talking the level of fitness in which hiking up a mountain doesn’t result in the following inner dialogue: Me: “I am going to die. Turn this body around. NOW!” Other me: “Just get up the mountain and then I promise we never have to do this again.” Me: “I’ll probably be dead by then.” Other me: “One can only hope.” Funnily enough, despite not having done much serious, long-term exercise in the past tenth of a century, I made the valiant (read: moronic) decision to sign up to a half marathon with a significantly fitter friend of mine recently. It’s on May 19th. Three short months away. Which, as I sit here sweating nervously, leads me to my next question… How do you like to workout? What physical activities do you recommend I engage in, so I may never engage in the above unhinged inner dialogue again? We’ve already sent our wardrobe’s to boot camp, is it time to send ourselves? Pop on Kanye West’s ‘The New Workout Plan’ and become my new favourite fitness coach in the comments section below! Words: @madw0n Photography: @jaikaldor The post How Do You Like To Workout? appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon




Friday 23 February 2018

Paul & Joe: 10 hot pieces you need in your life

Here’s why dad trainers are actually pretty damn cool

Steph Houghton MBE: ‘It is our duty to inspire girls to play a sport’

‘I am extremely offended – this is not feminism, this is sexism’

How to Wear a Dress Over Jeans February 23, 2018 at 01:45PM

via Girl With Curves Too cold for tights? Try this.

Sex And The City’s Smith Jerrod has officially joined team SJP

How to do the plastic trend for SS18 without looking like a Barbie girl

The sunglasses edit

via DearMilano

Claire Foy has confirmed her divorce from husband Stephen Campbell Moore

Welcome to the most Instagrammable resort in Vietnam

‘Mums can be MEAN’ – the highs and lows of making friends on maternity leave

Thursday 22 February 2018


via Wide Eyed Legless

Every NYFW season the Maryam Nassir Zadeh show is always one of my very favorites. Its usually takes place at the end of the week and is always the best way to close out the NYFW season. While this year I wasn’t actually able to stay and attend the show, I sent a friend to capture images in my place, and am beyond excited to share them with you all. I think in general they truly capture the spirit of NYFW and the very chich MNZ girl.

images by Chloe Horseman

The post MNZ on FILM appeared first on Wide Eyed Legless.




Postcards from shithole countries is the best response to Trump’s latest remarks

This mini fashion trend will add a dose of vitamin C to your wardrobe

Tommy Hilfiger: secrets of an American superbrand

Gucci gets gorey – but with new trends galore

Natalie Portman just expressed a lot of regret over her support for shamed director Roman Polanski

From gin and fudge to ping pong ball clubs, here are the most surprising celebrity side businesses

Rihanna just threw herself the most extravagant 30th birthday party

Brits winner Jorja Smith on doing Co-Op shops with Drake and her hero Amy Winehouse

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Dua Lipa’s speech at the BRIT Awards was all about women and we’re feeling it

This is why celebrities are carrying white roses on the BRITs red carpet

LFW: Who the hell is Richard Quinn and why is he fit for a Queen? And other LFW news…

Who will Meghan Markle’s wedding dress designer be?

The £65 H&M power suit everyone thinks is designer

Introducing the sustainable designer bag with the fashion editor seal of approval

WMBW Drinks – The French 75 The more I research classic cocktails, the more I realise their origins are often as mixed up as the drink itself. The history of the French 75 is no different, in fact, it’s a little worse. Not only are there multiple stories to claiming its invention,  but there are also multiple recipes and even a couple of name changes along the way. Argh… so French! Except that it’s not necessarily a French cocktail, that’s right, the French 75 was in fact not invented by the French, but rather named after the French 75mm field gun that was instrumental in the Allies winning WW1 – The claim was that both would knock you flat! The origin story I most enjoy is that of thirsty Allied soldiers substituting club soda for champagne to mix their drinks. Some even claim that it was drunk from spent shell cartridges. Et voilá, not only did you have the base of a new cocktail, but also some pretty drunk ass soldiers! There are however claims of Charles Dickens entertaining his guests 50 years prior with Gin and champagne cups consisting of lemon and sugar but that particular drink was unnamed – It would appear that a cocktail is not yet a cocktail until it is baptised. French bartender Henry Tépé of Henry’s Bar, Paris named a cocktail “Soixante-Quinze” (Seventy-Five) around 1915, but this was a concoction of Gin, Grenadine and Cognac so not quite the same. The drink has since undergone many variations, some involving, Calvados (Apple Brandy), Cognac or Absinthe, some even including all three – That oughta put hair on your chest! In the end, they should have just called it ‘Delicious’, because really that’s what it is. Whatever the story, here’s how you make it. Despite all its variations, the recipe we know and love today was established around 1927 and revived again in the late 1980’s. The ingredients are simple and the method couldn’t be simpler, so this shouldn’t take long. 2 Ounces Gin 1 tsp sugar 1/2 Ounce lemon juice 5 Ounces Brut Champagne (those this depends on the size of your glass. As with all cocktails, the quality of your ingredients is paramount, so we always suggest using freshly squeezed lemon juice. It doesn’t have to be squeezed on this Phillipe Starck Alessi juicer, but it sure helps add to the French fanciness of it all. Pour your lemon juice into a cocktail shaker filled with Ice and follow with a good dry gin. Pop in a sugar cube or 2 (depending on how sweet you like your drinks of course) or better yet, use a superfine sugar or sugar syrup if you have it on hand. Lastly, shake the whole thing up to chill the ingredients and melt your sugar! Remember, shaking is a great way to chill something with minimum dilution, but you gotta be quick as the more your ice melts the weaker your drink becomes. At this point, what you basically have is a Tom Collins before the addition of Club Soda- The Royal Tom Collins is yet another variation on the origin of the drink BTW. Strain the mixture into a champagne glass before you get your chilled champagne ready! The modern-day recipe calls for a Champagne flute, but we like drinking it the way they did in the 1900’s so opted for these Champagne saucers instead. Now comes the fun part. Pop Pop Pop that bottle!! Wait for the applause to die down and top up your champagne glasses slowly to maintain the fizz. A good quality champagne will, of course, give you a better fizz and a smaller hangover, so pick wisely. Lastly, and only because details matter, garnish with a lemon rind before clinking your glasses and enjoying! “Vive le Liberté” !! Once you get the French 75 down you may want to try your hand at some of the Other variations that have found their way into cocktail history. The French 95, takes an American approach by substituting gin for bourbon, while the French 125 celebrates France with cognac over gin. For those feeling brave, you can attempt La Perla’s (a tequila bar in Paris) Mexican 55 that uses tequila over gin and adds a dash of bitters or you can replace the tequila with Vodka for a French 76 – Though surely that would be a Russian 75? The list goes on, and like most drinks it all comes down to personal preference, personally, we like to stick with the classics on this one. Okay. Drink responsibly and stay fancy.     whatmyboyfriendwore

via what my boyfriend wore

SJP On Shoes, Parenting & Why She Wants To Connect Not Antagonise On Instagram

You won’t be happy with Siri’s response to the question ‘Is rape okay?’

5 Reasons to Include Flaxseed in Your Diet February 21, 2018 at 01:45PM

via Girl With Curves

Now that 2018 is in full swing, I’m really trying to live up to my intention to make better food choices! While revamping my entire diet is out of the question (I love food way too much!), I do like the idea of making small changes that make a big impact.

Along with turmeric and apple cider vinegar, flaxseeds are my regular go-to for a healthy boost. Naturally gluten-free, high in fiber and healthy fats, flaxseeds and their oil have been consumed as a superfood for around 6,000 years, making it one of the oldest ones on the planet! Even just a couple of teaspoons of ground flaxseeds added to your daily diet can make a big difference in your overall health.

I’ve been a fan of putting flaxseeds in my smoothies for years, but there are so many other reasons why you should keep them on hand. Here are five, in case you aren’t convinced yet:

This video of David Beckham and Harper singing a duet is everything

Serena Williams: ‘I had to spend the first six weeks of motherhood in bed’

YAS! The Off-White™ C/O Jimmy Choo collaboration is FINALLY here

Apparently this wedding tradition is on its way out and we’re quite relieved

Victoria Beckham is about to bring a whole lot of sass to your wardrobe

Queen Elizabeth sitting front row at London Fashion Week is everything

Tuesday 20 February 2018

MY DIOR SPRING-SUMMER 2018 EDITORIAL FOR ELLE February 20, 2018 at 04:43PM


Charlotte Groeneveld in Dior Spring-Summer 2018 for

So EXTREMELY excited to share my editorial with Dior for! We shot this Spring-Summer 2018 edit in the beautiful art installation by artist, model, and mother Sasha Pivovarova during New York Fashion Week. Not only am I a big admirer of her art, I also loved her as a model – still do – and for the fact that she is a mother, too. It was truly an honor to shoot the Dior Spring-Summer 2018 collection – Sasha was the opening look during the show at Paris Fashion Week in September 2017 – in the show space she painted only days before the opening. Stepping into it felt as I was stepping into her world, her brain as an artist, and the beauty of it all. We played around, shot from every angle we could think of, and created an amazing video while doing it. Needless to say, huge credits to the photographer behind the lens, Taylor Joe. Make sure to scroll down to see all five looks, and tell me which one is your favorite.

A little background information on the drawings by Sasha, featured in the Dior Spring-Summer 2018 campaign: The faces you see are the portraits of women. With their angular faces and large mesmerizing eyes are very much a reflection of Sasha’s own beauty and her emotions. The creative process if reminiscent of Niki de Saint Phalle’s – Maria Grazia Chiuri’s primary source of inspiration of this collection. 

Charlotte Groeneveld in Dior Spring-Summer 2018 for

Charlotte Groeneveld in Dior Spring-Summer 2018 for

Charlotte Groeneveld in Dior Spring-Summer 2018 for

Charlotte Groeneveld in Dior Spring-Summer 2018 for

Charlotte Groeneveld in Dior Spring-Summer 2018 for

Charlotte Groeneveld in Dior Spring-Summer 2018 for

Charlotte Groeneveld in Dior Spring-Summer 2018 for

Charlotte Groeneveld in Dior Spring-Summer 2018 for

Charlotte Groeneveld in Dior Spring-Summer 2018 for

Wearing Dior Spring-Summer 2018 styled by Nikki Ogunnaike for, makeup by Gina Daddona for Dior Makeup, and photography by Tyler Joe.


Isn’t it about time we stopped skin shaming celebrity women?

We all need to stop dismissing this ovarian cancer symptom

Dakota Fanning just made her directorial debut for Miu Miu

Where is Tonya Harding now? The real woman behind Margot Robbie’s I, Tonya

Here’s why you might not be seeing Jennifer Lawrence for a while

30 years of Marie Claire helping to change the world for women – and we’re not done yet. Are you in?



Student Emma Gonzalez tells Trump ‘We call BS’ days after a gunman shot 17 people from her school

Meghan Markle’s one rule for foundation is an empowering one

Why Prince Charles might miss the arrival of his third grandchild

London Fashion Week street style: the coolest looks off the runway

Chrissy Teigen opens up about picking a name for her baby boy

London Fashion Week street style: The 3 accessories to invest in NOW

Monday 19 February 2018

Seeing Red

via That's Chic

Here’s why Emma Watson donated £1 million to the UK Justice and Equality Fund

The 4 Winter Essentials You Need Now February 19, 2018 at 01:45PM

via Girl With Curves

Winters here in California are pretty mild compared to other places, but we still feel the chill this time of year. Plus, with lots of travel to the East Coast coming up, and some potential trips up to the snow later in the season, I’ve been thinking more about my winter weather wardrobe.

A lot of weather-proof gear is bulky and built for function over style, but if you have a solid base wardrobe and boots that keep you dry and warm, you can experiment more with your outer layers — and in doing so, keep your look chic, no matter the weather!

Mild rain or full-blown snowstorm, here are six essential pieces to have in your closet for lower temp. days:

These actresses made a huge political statement with their BAFTA dates

5 Moments Everyone Is Talking About From The BAFTAs 2018

‘A century ago, the suffragettes laid the groundwork for this dogged resistance’

Meet the trench coat 2.0 as seen at London Fashion Week

Sunday 18 February 2018

BAFTA winners 2018: The full list

Best actress winner Frances McDormand explains why she’s not wearing black in her acceptance speech

The BAFTAs 2018: See all the red carpet pictures

Burberry: Christoper Bailey’s most iconic fashion moments

Salma Hayek explains the importance of wearing black to the BAFTAs

A band of feminist protestors just stormed the BAFTAs red carpet 💪🏼

Why Kate Middleton didn’t wear #TimesUp black on the BAFTAs red carpet

Denim and Spots   Wearing: Alexis wrap top, JBrand jeans, Elizabeth Cole earrings, By Far shoes   I don’t incorporate many patterns or prints in my wardrobe, but that’s starting to quickly change with the addition of a couple of polka dot pieces. Keeping it classic is key, like this wrap blouse. I’ve also added this reformation dress which i’ve worn to a friends wedding and just purchased this Realisation Par day dress as well, both have that similar wrap style I find very flattering.   Photos by Ana Suntay-Tanedo   Shopthepost Harper and Harley

via Harper and Harley

Friday 16 February 2018

Bollywood’s Sonam Kapoor on fighting against the Middle East’s victim blaming culture

Where to hit the slopes if you like your spa as much as your ski 👌🏼

Meet ‘The Jamie Oliver of the modelling world’ who’s blowing the lid on nutritional myths

From SJP to Eva Chen & Bella Hadid: How Manu Atelier became the new ‘it’ bag

WMBW Travels – The Silo Hotel The Silo Hotel must be the most talked about and most Instagrammed hotel of 2017. A quick scroll down will show you exactly why this old grain silo is getting so much well-deserved attention, racking up 9 awards since its opening less than a year ago. In one short (well “mediumish”) word, it’s spectacular! We were lucky enough to experience lunch at the Granary Cafe shortly after its launch in 2017, but you can read all about that here. This time we were invited to spend a couple of nights to experience everything The Silo has to offer.  As far as staycations go, we were about to knock it out of the park! With only 28 rooms (one of which is a penthouse) I would almost consider The Silo a boutique hotel. There is nothing mass or generic about this place. Each room is individually decorated with the Liz Biden touch, giving them all an eclectic charm in an industrial setting. As you can well imagine, the hotel’s location and it’s incredible pillowed windows, guarantee you the absolute best views of Cape Town from anywhere in the building. We were staying in a Deluxe Superior suit (set in the corner of the hotel) offering postcard views of Table Mountain together with views of Lion’s Head and the Atlantic Ocean – it really doesn’t get better than that! The 5.5m (18ft) high pillowed glass windows ensure that 10 floors up, you don’t miss a thing. Watching the sun come up over Table Mountain from our bedside balcony in the mornings was worth every minute of lost sleep! In true Royal Portfolio style, every room in the hotel goes a little further to bring you closer to home – or at least what you wish home was like. Sure there are all the expected 5-star amenities of King Sized beds with luxury linens and a bathroom filled with a different lotion for every part of your body, but it’s the small things that make a difference. Our favourite detail is always the inclusive mini bar stocked up with snacks and drinks to make your stay a little more relaxed. Nothing makes you feel more at home than reaching into the refrigerator and grabbing a cold beer without worrying about the surprise bill at checkout.   With breakfast being the most important meal of the day,  no hotel stay is complete without it. The breakfast at the Granary Cafe (included in your stay) won’t disappoint as it offers a great twist on the continental buffet and hot food offering. Your continental options include bread, cheese and charcuterie, are brought to your table alongside cereals, yoghurt and fresh fruit on an individualised tray. If you manage to show some restraint (we didn’t) you can also order a hot breakfast of your choice (which we did anyway). I can highly recommend the salmon omelette souffle. Wow. Breakfast is unfortunately for hotel guests only, so best you book a stay if you want that life-changing omlette. I’ve often found that after such a busy morning of eating, there is no better way to relax than a spa treatment. I mean, breakfast can be stressful. Between order-envy and the FOMO of something you may never taste again, it’s a tricky affair. We decided to give the in-house spa a try by booking a couples treatment. Elzaan went with a facial while I de-stressed to the signature massage. The spa is open to the public and offers tranquillity in the middle of the city – they’re currently hosting a summer special (till March 2018) inclusive of a rooftop cocktail, so I definitely suggest checking it out for the rooftop views alone – but more on that later. The best part of a staycation is that it comes with none of the stress of visiting the local tourist attractions, yet all the opportunity of doing it anyway. The Silo is within walking distance to the V&A Waterfront and a stone’s throw from the hustle of downtown Cape Town – with all it’s culinary and nightlife offerings. If you want to get a little further out of town, the hotel offers a quick helicopter flip to its sister hotel La Residence in Franschhoek. Trust me, it’s well worth the journey! We decided instead, to just walk out the front door and enjoy the awesomeness that is the V&A harbour. We really are so spoilt to live in such a beautiful place. During our stay, we were honoured to play host to Blake Scott and his beautiful wife Ashley who were out here from LA. They were honeymooning in South Africa and we wanted to give them a taste of Cape Town by inviting them to a lavish Royal Tea. The Royal Tea is one of The Silo’s unique offerings and is served from 14:00 to 16:30 in the Granary Cafe. Every tea time tray is made to order by the in-house pastry chefs that morning and therefore requires a 24hrs advanced booking to ensure mind-blowing results. This is the ultimate indulgence and the perfect way to spend the afternoon. We literally sat from 14:00 to 16:00 getting to know each other over Champagne and tea. They are both incredible people and if you’re not following them on Instagram, you should (links on the names above). Needless to say, there are enough sweet and savoury (though I could have done with a little more savoury) teatime treats to ensure you won’t need dinner afterwards. The new Zeit Mocca (Museum of Contemporary Art Africa) has also just opened it’s doors at the base of The Silo. Hotel guests can enjoy a day of free entrance to the museum with a ticket obtained from the concierge. We had every intention of going but then decided to take a nap instead. Probably a good thing though, this blog post is long enough as it is! : ) Of course, I have gone and saved the best for last. In a place where views come standard, nothing beats the incredible uninterrupted views of The Silo Rooftop. The rooftop is complete with a bar and a hotel pool to rival every other pool anywhere ever – well, at least any pool anywhere I’ve stayed at and definitely any pool in Cape Town. There are no bad seats, there are no bad views and there is nothing quite like it. Watching the sun go down over Lions Head and Signal Hill from this vantage point gives the sunrise over Table Mountain a little bit of a run for its money. Luckily, neither of them charge and both can be enjoyed from one location. If there is a better place to enjoy a G&T, I dare you to find it! Unfortunately (though not for us on the day) the hotel pool is exclusive use for hotel guests, however, the bar is available for an afternoon drink or 2 by prior arrangement. In the end, I think it’s safe to say that Elzaan and I would have happily stayed here the week. The Royal Portfolio always has a knack for service that makes you feel… well, like royalty. The standard at this sought after hotel remains the same. The staff in every part of the hotel are amazing and go to such lengths to ensure you enjoy your stay. Lets, however, address the elephant in the room. The Silo Hotel is without a doubt at the highest end of luxury, and of course, that kind of luxury doesn’t come cheap. Combine that with being situated walking distance from Cape Towns mega tourist hub on Cape Towns most expensive land. Now, add a premium for the most incredible views the city has to offer, and you’re in for a pretty pricey stay. This is by far the most expensive hotel we’ve had the pleasure of staying at, and I do believe that if you can afford it, it’s worth every cent. Besides, it’s the only way you’ll get to try that omelette. Okay. Travel safe and stay fancy.         whatmyboyfriendwore

via what my boyfriend wore

You can now brunch Harry Potter style in London

Jennifer Lawrence explains why she’s now comfortable filming nude scenes

Meet the initiative getting beauty and sanitary products to women without

Casual Travel Style February 16, 2018 at 01:45PM

via Girl With Curves Hate feeling frumpy when you travel? Try this fail-proof outfit formula.

‘To anyone who identifies as a girl, don’t let anyone intimidate you – you belong in music’

Hot List: Here’s what’s new in your favourite stores this week

Sarah Jessica Parker has opened up about the pressure to film nude scenes

We’ve found Meghan Markle’s exact ring and it’s only £45

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have officially separated 

Thursday 15 February 2018



Charlotte Groeneveld from Thefashionguitar sharing her #NYFW skincare routine with Biossance

In collaboration with Biossance I designed a new skincare regime to fight all extremes from the outside, with the goal to really treat my skin well during these hectic times in which I’m not always drinking enough water, eating as healthy as I should, and sleeping more than a minute every night…

Of course there’s several courses of treatment for tired skin, because eventually that’s what it is; my skin gets just so “exhausted” during fashion week. I feel and see it very clearly. I get dry, I get weird red spots, pimples suddenly come peeking through, and no matter what I do, the usually very effective steps I take to bring it back to life – such as drinking more water, sleeping an hour or two more, or simply not putting anything on it for a day – are just NOT effective during these days. So, there’s no other way, I HAVE to take more extreme measures. I have to go all in!

Charlotte Groeneveld from Thefashionguitar sharing her #NYFW skincare routine with Biossance

A little more about the brand, because in a world flooded with established – and new – skincare brands, it’s often hard to decide what’s worth trying, and what’s not. And what’s even more interesting is that there are more – then you wish you would know – dark sides to the beauty industry; animal testing, harmful ingredients, and so on. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the beauty industry, but the worrying part is, is that in the US – compared to other Europe – there’s only a few ingredients that are banned, because they are considered bad, or even dangerous. Meaning, there might be things in your current day cream that are radically bad for your skin, or even health… Yup, that’s creepy. Anyway, so what Biossance made sure of, is that they eliminated over 2000 “bad” ingredients, resulting in a clean beauty commitment they call No Compromise Beauty, which by the way even brought them to Capitol Hill as one of the 20 companies lobbying for higher legislative standards…!

Charlotte Groeneveld from Thefashionguitar sharing her #NYFW skincare routine with Biossance

Charlotte Groeneveld from Thefashionguitar sharing her #NYFW skincare routine with Biossance

Charlotte Groeneveld from Thefashionguitar sharing her #NYFW skincare routine with Biossance

Charlotte Groeneveld from Thefashionguitar sharing her #NYFW skincare routine with Biossance

So, starting off in the morning, there’s three products I’d like to tell you a little more about, starting with their 100% Squalane Oil – which comes from plants only, and improves the moisture balance and elasticity to heal chapped and cracked skin. I’ve done some research, and Squalane promises to diminish the production of excess oil, which is a welcome effect when you are having issues with acne. It should also help diminish post-operative scar tissues, which s particularly important to me, post-thyroid cancer, which left me with a pretty big scar on my neck. I apply it on my face and neck, but for the skin around my eyes, I’m using their Squalane + Peptide Eye Gel.

This eye gel helps to reduce puffiness and dark circles around the eye. Now I’m personally genetically blessed with great and often dark bags under my eyes… so I’m not sure if it will do what it promises, for me – especially since it’s genetic – but I do believe that this hectic fashion week it helped reduce puffiness in the morning. I know it will never go entirely, but every little bit helps. And the best part it the way the gel feels: rich and hydrating, but not as a “layer” on my already thick feeling eyes.

Followed by the last step, as soon as the oil is set into my skin, after 15 minutes or so, I use their Squalane + Probiotic Gel Moisturizer. I love how well hydrated my skin looks and feels throughout the day – after these layers of skincare you are very sure that your skin is hydrated, I promise you that – even if you are like me, and not the gel texture kind of girl.

Charlotte Groeneveld from Thefashionguitar sharing her #NYFW skincare routine with Biossance

Charlotte Groeneveld from Thefashionguitar sharing her #NYFW skincare routine with Biossance

Then, after a cup of coffee and a big glass of water, the products have set well into my skin, and it’s ready for my day makeup…

Which, of course, at night has to come off… This is, and will probably always remain, a huge hassle to me. Because by the time I’m ready for bed, I’m so ready, that I don’t have a single bit of energy to clean my face. But, the promise that after cleaning it, I’m able to apply a skin oil, heavily, is worth going the “extra mile”. Biossance’s Squalane + Vitamin C Rose Oil is 100% my favorite product at the moment. And I’ve tried many oils! It’s promising to brighten, tighten and even out my skin, I think this needs time. I can’t tell over the time span of a week if things changed. But what I can tell is that it’s the loveliest feeling at night, heading to bed with this rosy oil on my skin. It’s almost therapeutic and it helps me fall asleep happy!

Charlotte Groeneveld from Thefashionguitar sharing her #NYFW skincare routine with Biossance

Charlotte Groeneveld from Thefashionguitar sharing her #NYFW skincare routine with Biossance

This post is a sponsored partnership with Biossance, all opinions are my own.

Photography by Shelly


Ethical fashion brands you’ll love to wear

It looks like huge congratulations are in order for Amy Schumer

Hill & Friends Get Arty For London Fashion Week

Ask Google for your closest abortion clinic, and you might end up in a pro life centre



Meet The Puffer Jacket Brand That Is Putting The Sensible In Street Style

Wills and Kate will be breaking royal tradition with their third born

City breaks: how to avoid the tourist traps and explore like a local

Jamie Dornan’s old housemate Eddie Redmayne just described what he’s really like to live with

These are the baby names that will go out of fashion in 2018

SJP has finally responded to Kim Cattrall’s Instagram

Meghan Markle broke royal protocol again in Scotland

How The Crown’s Gala Gordon and producer Isabella Macpherson are using poetry to help refugees

Kanye West just returned to Instagram with a huge romantic gesture

5 sartorial rules from the Michael Kors AW18 show

Michelle Obama made Barack’s Valentine’s present this year

We’ve Found Your New Go-To Cocktail

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Here’s how popular beauty trends have changed over the decades

New York Fashion Week 2018: fashion activism, breast cancer survivors and robots

Minnie Driver just quit her role as Global Ambassador of Oxfam over sex abuse allegations

If you have a good sex life your partner is more likely to cheat

Apparently Meryl Streep joined Big Little Lies Season 2 for a very specific reason

The best designer handbags to invest in right now

Instagram’s latest update could make you very embarrassed

GWC Playlist: Love Songs February 14, 2018 at 01:45PM

via Girl With Curves My all-time favorite love songs, in honor of Valentine's Day.

The best new season Zara pieces you need to see (and shop)

You’ll never guess who Prince Harry has asked to sing at his wedding

The entertainment industry is having to introduce guidelines to stop women getting abused

The Australian swimwear brand fashion editors are obsessed with has finally landed in the UK

How are Prince Harry and Meghan Markle spending Valentine’s Day?

‘I wish I knew how to quit you’ – 10 of the most iconic movie couples

Office Attire Wearing: Georgia Alice top, Georgia Alice pants, By Far shoes, Simon Miller bag, Elizabeth and James sunglasses What’s your office style? Even if you’re lucky enough to wear jeans, and in this millennial, freelancing and entrepreneur society there might actually be a few of you, you still have to look and feel professional. Rolling into work with unbrushed hair and clothes your found on the floor of your room is not going to win you professional credibility. A pair of black pants you can style with anything, some office appropriate tops and blouses, aperiod nd those comfortable, closed in, low heel shoes are your office outfit basics that will effortlessly take the pressure off your pre-coffee morning!   Photos by Ana Suntay-Tanedo  Harper and Harley

via Harper and Harley

Embellished shoes too pretty to only wear on a night out

SS18 Trend Report: All the trends you’ll be wearing in 2018

The 7 things to use to style a dinner party


Tuesday 13 February 2018

RIXO London Have Created A Capsule Collection Just In Time For Payday

Pip Jamieson: ‘There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t support each other’

Meghan Markle is the Queen of dressing to theme in Scotland



Gorgeous lingerie sets that are too pretty to keep in your underwear drawer

The £120 H&M Conscious dress that ticks ALL the trend boxes for spring

Meghan Markle has been secretly visiting survivors of Grenfell Tower

Super Cool Plus Totally Wearable: Why We’re Loving By Malene Birger

Meghan Markle’s Suits co-star has her back in fighting a racist Twitter troll

Kate Middleton has a different name in Scotland and Northern Ireland

Valentine’s Gifts for him: So stylish you’ll probably want them too

The only t-shirt worth wearing to London Fashion Week

‘No Filter Fashion!’ Why Cardi B is SLAYING the New York FROW…

Has the name of Kate and William’s third baby been revealed?

This is why people are spamming Karlie Kloss’s Instagram with rat emojis

2018 Wardrobe Bootcamp – What To Keep And Cull My mess from 2017 (and truthfully 2016) is still following me around. Working at CHRONICLES OF HER has definitely helped me to adopt a more timeless approach to dressing, but my wardrobe still needs urgent attention…. enter the 2018 wardrobe bootcamp – CHRONICLES’ STYLE. Believe it or not, having less clothes makes it so much easier to get ready in the morning. You can actually see what’s hanging in your wardrobe (making it easier to pair things together in your head). A word of warning – before culling, you have to be prepared to let go of any attachment to once-loved pieces. Chances are, if you haven’t worn it in the last 5 months, you probably won’t wear it in the next 5 #truth. There may be certain pieces that you are not quite ready to part with – and that’s ok. A little progress goes a long way. Luckily, when it comes to editing-down your wardrobe there are LOTS of ways to go about it. I’m definitely not telling you to throw everything out the window (hello Depop and local charity bins!). So grab a drink, put on a Spotify playlist and lets get down to business. Words: @georgiewoodweber The post 2018 Wardrobe Bootcamp – What To Keep And Cull appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Georgie Wood-Weber


Monday 12 February 2018

New Season Essentials Wearing: Joseph leather pants, Joseph grey knit, Joseph coat, By Far shoes Back in leather pants and turtle necks and feeling right at home. Saying farewell to the Aussie summer and taking stock of my transeasonal and Autumn Winter wardrobe, adding these effortless essential will create the base to my functional outfit rotation. These button up high waisted leather pants with straight leg are going to be a regular. My skinny leg days are over, its all about the relaxed, straight and wide, whose with me?   Photos by Ana Suntay-Tanedo   *Shot in collaboration with Joseph Harper and Harley

via Harper and Harley

Every single beauty look Gigi Hadid wore during fashion week

Alternative pancake recipes to try if you’re bored of lemon and sugar

The tale of two bags according to Victoria Beckham

Is it ever OK to tell someone that they are ‘too skinny’?

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle just shared their royal wedding schedule

Why we’re looking forward to London Fashion Week 2018

Reboot your Workwear With These Standout Pieces February 12, 2018 at 01:45PM

via Girl With Curves

If New Year, new wardrobe is your yearly mantra, a solid place to start is with your work clothing.

Much like active wear, work wear is powerful in its ability to give you the extra confidence boost you need for tackling your day. Reaching for your same old black pantsuit or your comfiest sweats may be your go-to on mornings where the last thing you want to think about is your outfit, but they don’t necessarily motivate you to get out there and do your best. 

I’m not saying you should never wear those pieces — hey, we’ve all got our mornings! — but in my experience, a quick refresh to one’s work wear can sometimes be all they need to get excited to get up and get going in the morning. Plus, wouldn’t you rather start every day not only looking, but feeling like a boss? 

This year, ditch the boring, easy pieces and replace them with those that make you feel happy and bring out your inner creative. Here are some pieces to keep an eye out for:

You’ll never guess where this designer jewellery is from

Could your name be the reason you’re still single?

‘People laugh in my face when they find out I’m a model’

If your pound coin has this error it could be worth a fortune

President Donald Trump just decided to take on the Me Too movement

This is the real reason Princes William and Harry’s Star Wars cameo was cut

The Queen has just banned plastic from her royal estates

Idris Elba just broke a million hearts with his latest announcement

Did a ‘mean girls’ culture really ruin Sex and the City?

Is this the first confirmed A-list guest for Harry and Meghan’s wedding?

Friday 9 February 2018

Reese Witherspoon suffered from PTSD after the Harvey Weinstein scandal

You can now officially get a job as a Cadbury’s creme egg tester

Gwyneth Paltrow just revealed her daily secret to staying zen

5 Curly Hair Problems And How to Solve Them February 09, 2018 at 01:45PM

via Girl With Curves

If you follow me on social media, you know that I was struggling big time with keeping my curls intact during my pregnancy. They were super dry and barely curly – most of the time I just ended up pulling my hair back to avoid the extra hassle of having to revive curls that clearly had a mind of their own!

But now that my hormones are getting back to normal after having the baby, thankfully, so is my hair. As all curly haired girls know, our hair requires a bit of extra TLC. 

Since my hair has been on my mind so much lately, I thought I’d share some things that every curly girl experiences. So if you’re out there wrangling your curls every day, just know that you’re not alone! 

Jessica Alba has had enough of mothers being shamed for breastfeeding in the office

Does this mean Liam Payne and Cheryl are engaged?

You have to see inside Jennifer Aniston’s newly renovated house

Prince William urges girls not to feel pressured to conform to unrealistic beauty standards

Jennifer Lopez just opened up about raising a daughter in the #MeToo movement

Salma Hayek ‘felt ashamed’ for not speaking out about Harvey Weinstein sooner

President Trump Reportedly Lied About How Much He Paid for Melania Trump’s Engagement Ring

Quentin Tarantino just apologised to this actress after rubbishing her rape story

You Can Now Listen To All The Burberry Show Soundtracks From The Past 17 Years

Diesel Is Opening Its Own Knockoff Pop-up In NYC

Tom Ford Goes Vegan + Rethinks His Use Of Fur

Thursday 8 February 2018

The best models of all time (…and what makes a supermodel super?)

This white shirt trend is about to take over your Instagram feed

Uber just explained why its female drivers are paid 7% less than its male drivers

Wardrobe basics: 16 items of clothing every woman should own

These vintage baby names could soon make a huge comeback

Meghan Markle has been sneaking out of Kensington Palace

Is Justin Trudeau guilty of mansplaining or telling a ‘bad joke’?

Topshop are now selling jeans in half sizes

Hillary Clinton is urging women to make their voices heard

Spend Valentine’s Day listening to Tom Hardy’s heartbeat

WMBW Fitness – January: 100 Push Up Challenge I’ve put off uploading this post for well over a week now. I’m not totally sure why. A part of me wasn’t sure I wanted to go through with it or if I would even succeed at it? A part of me wondered if it was relevant for this blog? But mostly, I wasn’t sure I was ready for the possible onslaught of abuse I would potentially receive. However, if you’re reading this now, I clearly pushed published and you’re about to go down a whole new journey with me. Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? 2017 was a great year. We started blogging full time, we took a load of overseas trips and were constantly on the go. We ate everything from gyros to goat and I loved every moment. Unfortunately, that kind of lifestyle takes a serious effect on your health and in the end, it makes your pants shrink. No Bueno! By the end of 2017, having just come back from a month-long trip to the states and having eaten our way through Christmas and New Years, I was mega unhappy with the way I looked and was the heaviest I had been for a long time. Now, I’ve never really been a massively out of shape guy – except maybe for a 2-year stint in London where I picked up 20 odd kilos – yep… 20! That’s about 44 pounds for my American readers. But I’ve also never really been in great shape, like in ripped and lean “Men’s Health guy” shape. I also realise that’s a very unrealistic view to have, I mean, how many “Mens Health” cover guys do you know out there? Not many right? As I was saying, when 2017 came to a close, I took a long hard look at myself and decided that when I turn 40 this year, I want to be in the best shape of my life. Yep, I know most of you don’t realise I’m 40 (I get that a lot) but it’s a cold hard truth. I wanted to prove to myself that 40 wasn’t over the hill and I still had it in me. However, we all know how new years resolutions work right? They come loaded with good intentions that end up on a pile of unread books and home gym equipment. At least that’s how mine usually goes. I decided that the only way to make this work is to make myself accountable to more than just myself! Going on this journey solo will give me a thousand reasons to skip class, eat a pizza and eventually forget about the whole thing. But, now that it’s up here, I have you guys to answer to, and I expect you to hold me to it! So, what’s the plan? Well, I’m not entirely sure just yet. One thing I know is that I want to keep it interesting, so I won’t be doing the same thing day in and day out till I hit my very loosely defined goal of “cover model shape”. What I want to do is try something new every month or 2 and then report back with before and after photos and measurements. This could be anything from CrossFit, to yoga, to boxing, I’ll take something on and train hard at it for the allocated time, then see what the results were. I’m hoping it gives me a good comparison and even better results. Talking about results, what exactly are my expectations? Well, it’s difficult to say what “best shape of my life is” really. All I know is that I bought a pair of Lacoste swimshorts that are really tight (pictured below) and I want to look good in those shorts come next summer! Not buff, not skinny, just good! Maybe great: ) I started the year with a very simple challenge, something that was easy to get back into after my massive hiatus, 100 push ups a day every day for 30 days. I had seen it on BuzzFeed and thought it would be a cool experiment…in fact, truth be told, it’s what gave me the idea for this whole series. So if you watched the video, you will see that the rules are pretty simple. All you need to so is make sure you get your 100 push-ups out by the end of the day. You can do 1 set of 100 or 100 sets of 1, it doesn’t matter. I started off on 10 sets of 10 push-ups for the first week, it wasn’t easy, but I managed to get through it. From then on it just got easier and I picked it up to sets of 15 in week 2 and sets of 20 in week 3. Unfortunately, that’s when my age kicked in and my shoulder went bust. The repeated motion had put a strain on my left shoulder and became really painful so I dropped it back down to 10 sets of 10. Yes, I probably should have stopped (especially after the elbow pain started in the beginning of week 4) but as you will soon learn, I’m not very good at stopping something I start. I do need to add that I didn’t do this exercise in isolation though. I went back to the gym and worked on a combination of cardio and push-ups with some pull-ups thrown in-between on a few days. Nothing crazy though and no set routines just some basic bodyweight work. On most days I would simply hit the treadmill for 5 min, jump off and do my 10 push-ups, then jump back on for 5 min and repeat. On average I was burning about 650cal per 1-hour session. I also paid more attention to my diet, but again nothing extreme. I focussed on eating lean proteins with minimal carbs and a lot of vegetables. I stuck to full-fat dairy and got in a lot of good fats in avo’s, nuts and extra virgin olive oil. The one thing I didn’t touch was refined sugar and never added sugar to anything. The one thing I did not give up was my one glass of wine a night, and even a couple of beers when out with friends. I don’t want to completely stop my life just to look good, I desperately want to find a balance between enjoying life and enjoying how I feel. Having been a sucker for the scale my whole life, I decided to not only measure my success by weight lost or gained, but also with a tape measure. My scale is also super fancy and takes a reading to give your body fat, Bone and muscle mass as well as water percentage. It’s also about 10 years old so the measurements may not be very accurate, I do think though that if I stick to the same device at least I’ll know if I’m up or down. We also did some basic measurements with a tape measure, but cant be sure that they were in exactly the correct place both times. I may need to splash out and go have my stuff measured professionally every month or 2 to track it properly. Either way, you can see the before and after measurements as well as pictures below. So, the body shape difference isn’t massive. I’ve always struggled to build my chest and clearly 100 push ups a day made little difference. My stomach definitely went down, but I did drop 4kg’s from the consistent cardio I think, so that helped. Strangely enough, the most difference seems to be in my back. I think it was a combination of a slimmer waist, and broader shoulders from all the push-ups. I mean. it’s not a huge change, but it’s something to get started on. I’m currently searching for my next exercise experiment. I have a few things in mind, but would love some suggestions to put on my list. If I can think of enough different things I’ll give everything a try for 4 weeks and report back monthly, otherwise you can expect an update every 2 months together with some progress reports on my Instagram stories. I’m also open to trying different ways of eating, and maybe a supplement or 2, but dont really want to go crazy with my diet so it’s not sustainable. Okay. Stay Fit, and fancy. whatmyboyfriendwore

via what my boyfriend wore

The Problem With Mom-Shaming February 08, 2018 at 01:45PM

via Girl With Curves





Alexander Skarsgärd just called out the ‘disgusting’ double standard for women in Hollywood

These hair straighteners are the most expensive in the world

This is the volume-boosting hair hack Kate Middleton uses

Magnesium deficiency could be why you’re not sleeping

The one item Victoria Beckham thinks you should buy ASAP

Is scheduling intimacy the newest relationship trend?

Brad Pitt has been involved in a car accident in LA

Kylie Jenner’s daughter Stormi already surpassed Beyoncé’s Instagram record

What it’s like on a CHRONICLES OF HER shoot The post What it’s like on a CHRONICLES OF HER shoot appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Carmen Hamilton


Jessica Biel is talking about her and Justin Timberlake’s sex life for a very important reason

More women than men are booking adventure holidays and here’s why

Here’s how to apologise and actually mean it (take note, Trump)

Daisy Buchanan: ‘I met my best friend on Twitter’

The BFF myth: ‘I had more ex-best friends than ex-boyfriends’

Dolly Alderton: ‘Friendships are for life, not to fill gaps between lovers’

Wednesday 7 February 2018

my everyday beauty routine February 07, 2018 at 08:12PM

via Lust for Life by Olivia Lopez Sharing my 5 minute beauty regiment.

Is Pad Man the ultimate feminist superhero movie?



This model just threw major shade at Kylie for her baby name choice

We visited the InStyle EE Rising Star party and here’s what happened

Why Katy Perry says she would re-write one of her biggest songs

Here’s how you can star in Season 3 of The Crown

Here’s how you can star in Season 3 of The Crown

Meet Princes William and Harry’s secret step-sister

A Sophisticated Outfit You Can Wear to Work February 07, 2018 at 01:45PM

via Girl With Curves Wear this on repeat all year long.

Why you never see Kate Middleton take off her coat

High street bridal shoes just got a Jenny Packham makeover

Kylie Jenner reveals her baby girl’s name – but whose last name did she take?

Tuesday 6 February 2018

The women human rights defenders making history today

How to be a suffragette in the 21st century…

Lucy Cohen: ‘Putting up with mistreatment helps no one, not those around you or those after you’

Embellished shoes too pretty to only wear on a night out

‘In my 38 years on this earth I’ve never experienced anything more powerful and beautiful than this’

Mango’s new collection is the best yet and here’s the proof

Meghan Markle could apparently be given an allowance from the royal family

Meghan Markle’s TV dad reveals the code they used to talk about Prince Harry on the Suits set

This is why you’re more likely to get thrush on your period

Found! The everyday luxury lingerie collection you won’t believe is high street

The 7 fashion brands you’re about to see EVERYWHERE at Fashion Week

From Pankhurst to Pink: 100 of the most inspiring women from the last 100 years

One in four Brits have never checked for Britain’s biggest cancer risk

River Island is shunning labels for its empowering new campaign

Should Doritos launch ‘female-friendly’ crisps? The internet definitely doesn’t think so…

‘She took all the risks there were’ – badass suffragettes you need to know about #Vote100

The 4 trends I am wearing this season


Monday 5 February 2018

jo malone london school February 05, 2018 at 07:07PM

via Lust for Life by Olivia Lopez A week abroad at Jo Malone London School.

Kaya Scodelario: ‘I put the breast pump on and was like, “Boys, you’ll have to deal with this”‘

Billie Piper just called out Hollywood agents’ roles in sexualising women

We’ve found the perfect trench coat, and it’s only £89

This is the day of the year most Brits will call in sick

Uma Thurman has officially accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault

My No Makeup, Makeup Look Watch the video below to see how I create my everyday no makeup, makeup look. This is essentially my makeup routine every single day, as I love this effortless look. I have teamed up with Estée Lauder to feature their new Double Wear Water Fresh Foundation as this look needs an effortless, lightweight foundation that gives you coverage but lets your skin look like skin, which is exactly what this newbie from Estée delivers. Also, I would love to hear what you think of this video and if you would like to see more of these. Photos and Video by Ana Suntay-Tanedo Shot in collaboration with Estée Lauder.  Harper and Harley

via Harper and Harley

Kylie Jenner just welcomed her baby daughter to the world with this emotional video

Saturday 3 February 2018

BONPOINT FALL-WINTER 2018 February 03, 2018 at 05:57PM

via THEFASHIONGUITAR Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

One of the true highlights of Paris Haute Couture week is – since two years – the Bonpoint fashion. And you’ve heard me saying this before, but it is truly the happiest show, every season again. Obviously they have the cutest lineup, and smiles are 100% guaranteed. Although, each season there’s one sweet pea who decides – just when stepping on the runway – that this is NOT HAPPENING!! This, again “obviously”, makes for the sweetest moments. Free to run back to their spot backstage, they go. Understandable, because walking in a fashion show is not for every kid. Sometimes starting at the age of 2, they have to walk down a runway with countless people on both sides smiling at you, but most impressively; looking at YOU! James and Stella walked the show for the second time, and here I’m sharing some of the most memorable moments – plus, of course, all my favorite looks of the Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018 show! Be prepared for MANY photos to come…

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

SHOW TIME… Personally I think this collection is their strongest yet. I admire how creative director Christine Innamorato mixed classic fabrics and silhouettes, sporty elements, and dreamy bohemian all in one collection, without compromising in cohesion. So many “different” looks, but altogether one amazing Fall-Winter collection that every mother is going to want in their children’s closet… Or at least I do.

Another thing I feel she has great attention for – it’s a kids collection after all – is the way they made use of “funny” things, such as little dinosaurs prints – which every boy loves – done in a tasteful way, which is important! As well as girly elements such as glitter, bows, and tulle, but again in the most tasteful way. Needless to say, every single pieces has the perfect fit, and fabrics used are of the highest quality – trust me, I’m that mom who washes everything in her machine anyway, with good care, and it lasts.

After seeing James last season – walking the runway for the first time and compared to Stella looking rather shy while doing it – I wasn’t sure if we should do it again this season. For Stella there was no question, she loved it and jumped up and down when I asked her if she wanted to do it again! Nonetheless, James said he wanted to do it too, so on that beautiful gloomy afternoon in Paris, we dropped both kids of at the Bonpoint store in St German, where the show was taking place, and not even one second they looked back. Such a relief, because I would never want them to do these kind of things if they weren’t up for it. But, as expected, and even more, they completely store every ones heart walking down the runway, and our parenting heart exploded of proudness! Such an amazing experience, thank you Bonpoint for creating these memories with us!!

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018
Charlotte Groeneveld Thefashionguitar Bonpoint Fall-Winter 2018

Photography by Jamie Snoeck Photography, and myself.

The post BONPOINT FALL-WINTER 2018 appeared first on THEFASHIONGUITAR.

Friday 2 February 2018

TAMARA MELLON IN PARIS February 02, 2018 at 02:58PM


Charlotte Groeneveld for Tamara Mellon in Paris

Four times per year – I still can’t believe it’s that many times actually – I’m in Paris for Fashion Week. Twice for ready-to-wear and twice for Haute Couture, which in fact, was just over week a week ago! I’m sure you’ve seen some of my instagram coverage of the adventures Couture brought, but it’s mostly focussed on the highlights, with the exception of some day-to-day activities on my stories. But, as you know, too, I like to make it “picture perfect” so even there it’s always “real, but with a beautiful filter”. However, what I didn’t really share are the moment in-between; a quick croissant run to the bakery next door, a fitting around the corner from my hotel, or the lunch meeting in my favorite restaurant… I am, quite obviously, not doing that in the outfits I wear to the Haute Couture shows! So here’s my guide to the ultimate day-to-night “Parisian” look, even though I’m not a Parisian by blood.

I start my look with the pair of shoes I want to wear, and I decide which pair of shoes I want to wear, based on the weather. Unfortunately we weren’t really blessed with a lot of sunshine this week, but in-between light showers, it was lovely out. A tiny bit of spring in the air, as the temperatures were so much more comfortable than in New York. So, my choice for shoes was this pair of patent kitten heels. Apart from the fact that I have a weak spot for kitten heels in general, I also love them because a. they are simple, and b. the patent is not too shiny. They are in fact – to me – the impeccable wardrobe staple. No woman should go without, for the simple reason that they make every casual look more sophisticated. Plus, they have the Parisian feel… sartorial, in the most approachable way. So, needless to say, when I got to try these Tamara Mellon Rebel 56 shoes to try – sharing a link to them below – I was very excited. Perfect for in-between the shows in Paris!

A little more on Tamara Mellon, for those who are not familiar with the brand, yet: Tamara co-founded Jimmy Choo in 1996 and launched her own brand in 2016 to be a female driven company. Her shoes are designed for women, by women, and made to break all boundaries when it comes to dressing for day and night. Her shoes are meant to be worn at any time, for any occasion; as they like to say “They are made for leaning in, climbing ladders, shattering ceilings, school drop-offs, making an entrance, and re-writ ing rules”. Which I kind of like, and love to go with, especially since I’m a wife, mother, and entrepreneur myself. Hence, I have no problem sending out the message of female empowerment, especially not if I can do this while wearing beautiful shoes! 

So, for the occasion I had Jeff follow me around for the day, to capture me running around in Paris, between shows, meetings, and lunches. Those lunches often come at around 3pm, and they are my breakfast too. It’s horrible how my schedule messes up my eating habits, but by now I know how to come prepared, so on day 1 I harvest juices and granola bars from this vegan place I found in Le Marais.

We started off by leaving from on of the shows, going to my hotel, to change. My Chanel dress made way for a pair of jeans. And the sneakers I was wearing with that dress, got replaces by the Tamara Mellon patent kittens heels. Just perfect to make that jeans + knit look less casual, more presentable. Changes and bundled up we left from my hotel, which was close to Place Vendome, to my fitting the Valentino show. By foot. And that was OK because these heels are made for walking! Totally doable – got so many compliments about them on my way there.

Fitting done meant time to eat. While we were ordering lunch at on of my favorite spots: L’Avenue, we talked about our planning for the rest of the day and week. Under the table I kicked off my shoes slightly, as I usually die of blisters when I crack in a new pair. NONE! It was a miracle. I felt the Rebel’s and I were made for each other.

Charlotte Groeneveld for Tamara Mellon in Paris

Charlotte Groeneveld for Tamara Mellon in Paris

Charlotte Groeneveld for Tamara Mellon in Paris

Charlotte Groeneveld for Tamara Mellon in Paris

Charlotte Groeneveld for Tamara Mellon in Paris

Charlotte Groeneveld for Tamara Mellon in Paris

Charlotte Groeneveld for Tamara Mellon in Paris

Charlotte Groeneveld for Tamara Mellon in Paris

Charlotte Groeneveld for Tamara Mellon in Paris

Charlotte Groeneveld for Tamara Mellon in Paris

Charlotte Groeneveld for Tamara Mellon in Paris

Charlotte Groeneveld for Tamara Mellon in Paris

Charlotte Groeneveld for Tamara Mellon in Paris

Charlotte Groeneveld for Tamara Mellon in Paris

Tamara Mellon shoes | H&M jeans | Dior bag | Yves Salomon coat | Barrie knit | Roxanne Assoulin necklace.

Photography by Jeff Thibodeau