Thursday, 8 July 2021

Early menopause affects 5% of women: here's how to know if you're at risk

Read advice from a leading menopause expert.

Early menopause symptoms: A young woman who is experiencing early menopause jumps in the air
Elizabeth Villabona design

Google search for early menopause symptoms is on the rise. This is perhaps unsurprising, with stats revealing that around 5% of women in the UK will go through the ordeal at some point in their lifetime.

That’s one in every 100 women.

Also known as primary ovarian insufficiency – POI – or premature ovarian failure, if you’ve ever Googled the reasons for a missed period, or experienced several hot flushes in a row, it might be worth reading up.

To address all of your worries, we chatted to doctor Laila Kaikavoosi, a representative from the UK’s first online menopause centre. Here, she breaks down what early menopause actually is, why it happens, and the main symptoms to have on your radar.

What is the definition of early menopause?

Menopause happening ‘early’ simply means not having a period for twelve months under the age of 45. It usually happens between the ages of 50 to 55 years old, and results in infertility, or the inability to conceive children.

Doctor Kaikavoosi shares that one in 1000 women under 30 and one in 10,000 under 20 also experience even earlier menopause, coined ‘premature menopause’. This will likely permanently affect your ability to naturally conceive.

Is early menopause common? 

No, but it is more common than doctors initially thought, shares Kaikavoosi, and many cases do still go undiagnosed.

A little like PMDD – that’s premenstrual dysphoric disorder – it’s widely underreported and needs more funding and research.

What are the main causes of the condition? 

There are a whole load of things that play a part, from auto-immune diseases, to genetic factors, to infection. Sadly, for the majority of women – 90%, according to research from OMC – no underlying cause can be found. This can make it even more traumatic, and harder to cope with psychologically.

However, the following have been found to cause the condition:

  • Surgery (e.g. removal of ovaries or hysterectomy during which blood supply to ovaries can be severed)
  • Medical treatments, like chemotherapy and radiotherapy
  • Autoimmune disease, like diabetes or thyroid disease
  • Genetic disorders, like Turners syndrome
  • Infections, like TB and mumps.

15 symptoms of early menopause

Symptoms of early menopause are nearly identical to the menopause symptoms, the expert shares.

These range from physical to psychological, and include the following:

  • Hot flushes
  • Night sweats
  • Feeling more achy
  • Reduced energy levels
  • Brain fog
  • Headaches
  • Poor quality of hair and skin
  • Urinary symptoms, like urgency
  • Increased episodes of cystitis
  • Low libido
  • Increased anxiety levels
  • Irritability
  • Low mood
  • Tearfulness
  • Difficulty controlling temper.

Early menopause symptoms: A woman cries in bed

5 top tips for coping with early menopause 

1. Spot your symptoms

Sounds simple, isn’t so much when you’re busy day-to-day and pass your lethargy off as general tiredness. Tune in to yourself and make sure to keep a record of any odd symptoms you are experiencing. This will be helpful for your doctor, if you do have to visit.

2. Expand your knowledge

Don’t use Google as a replacement for a medical professional – this is never a good idea – but do read up on what your symptoms may mean, and possible treatments, too.

“Increasing your knowledge about this condition will help you to get the correct treatment started early enough to prevent future health problems,” shares Kaikavoosi.

3. Talk to a specialist

If you notice  any of the above symptoms, the most important thing to do is to speak with your doctor, Kaikavoosi stresses. “Do make sure you see a specialist and get checked,” she shares.

“Testing blood hormone levels is important to establish the diagnosis and to get the right treatment. Get early assessment and start on the most suitable hormone replacement therapy as this can prevent future diseases like early cardiovascular disease, dementia and osteoporosis,” she concludes.

“Premature ovarian failure made me menopausal at 28”

Katie Ayres, 28, a nanny from Ludlow, Shropshire, suffered from early menopause in her late twenties. When her periods initially became irregular, she thought nothing of it – she was young and healthy. But after an accident, her periods stopped altogether. This is her story.

“My periods have always been irregular but I just put it down to having a contraceptive implant. I didn’t really worry about it. But after a bad riding accident in 2017, my periods stopped altogether.”

“It was as if my body had stopped working and had been put into trauma.”

Tests revealed I had Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), a condition that means the ovaries stop producing eggs years (and in some cases decades) before they should. POI also means the ovaries are unable to produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are important for a woman’s health and wellbeing.”

“The doctors said the POI could have been brought on by the accident but they aren’t really sure what caused it. I was having hot flushes about three or four times a day – suddenly I’d just be absolutely dripping. My energy levels were very low – I do a lot of marathons but everything was just an effort. I just didn’t feel myself.”

“I sought help from Dr Laila at the Online Menopause Centre and she was great. She gave me a personalised treatment plan of hormone replacement therapy containing estradiol, progesterone and testosterone. Within six weeks, I was feeling better and more like my old self. I hardly never have any hot flushes any more.”

Early menopause symptoms: Katie Ayres, a sufferer, at a fun run

“I am quite strong and have been through a lot but some days I have down days – when friends and family say ‘oh I’m pregnant’. It’s not jealousy, its envy because I will never be able to have that.”

“I would really like to have children but realistically the only way I could do that would be through an egg donor which is quite a big thing. Meeting someone and having to tell them that makes me sad.”

“When I got diagnosed, I started to do a lot of research – I realised there were a lot of girls with it. Some are younger than me. Being on social media and following help groups like The Daisy Network has really helped because I realised it isn’t just me.”

“My family have been very supportive and I realise I am lucky. I also do a job I love, working with horses, which brings me a lot of happiness.”

For more information, head to the online menopause centre, where they offer virtual video consultations and individually tailored treatment plans. Similarly, the NHS website and The Daisy Networks have handy guides. Do visit your doctor, if you’re worried.

The post Early menopause affects 5% of women: here's how to know if you're at risk appeared first on Marie Claire.

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