Epic Cover Letter Tips With Parlour X’s Founder
Well, hello there! Are you currently looking for a new job? Maybe you’ve been putting off updating your resume for eons, but can no longer afford to keep burying your head in the sand? Don’t worry, I’m not here to judge. On a scale of taking out the trash to filing taxes, writing a cover letter rates as a solid 10 in terms of things I hate doing. It’s a universally acknowledged fact that writing cover letters suck, and you’d be hard pressed to find someone who enjoys the process (if they say they do, they’re almost certainly lying to themselves/you).
Welcome to the latest instalment of our ‘Epic Cover Letter Tips’ series. Each month, we’ll be picking the brains of industry experts for tips on how to write the best mother flippin’ cover letter in the world to make the whole process a lil’ less daunting. This time around, we chat to Eva Galambos, founder of best ever fashion boutique Parlour X. Aside from having flawless taste, Eva knows a thing or twenty about hard work, drive and what makes a solid cover letter that’ll stand out from the crowd, hence us asking her a bunch of questions about them below.
Raise your pen, and let’s toast to taking over the world, one epic cover letter at a time.
Key do’s and don’ts…
“Do show your personality. Potential employees want to get to know you, and your cover letter is the perfect place to do this. Save the more clinical facts and stats for your CV.
Do double and even triple check your spelling and grammar. Nothing looks as sloppy as someone who hasn’t made the effort to run a cover letter through Spellcheck. Even better? Ask a close friend (or two) who are sticklers for spelling and grammar to proofread it for you.
Do include your main contact information, even if you also listed these on your CV.
Don’t forget to do your research. Find out the name of the person or persons who are doing the hiring and address it to them, using their name. Misspelling their name or using a generic ‘hiring manager’ comes across as cold or, worse, lazy. If you can’t find out, a simple “To whom it may concern” will suffice. Also, research the company and weave in relevant details.
Don’t ramble. No-one has an hour to read a three page cover letter. You should be able to summarise your experience, why you’re perfect for the role and your overarching driving professional motivation in a few short sentences.”
The purpose of a cover letter is…
“The cover letter should be a shorter, more personable version of a candidate’s CV. Often dates and dot-points get a bit dry after the 98th submission, so make the life of the hiring manager easy by being succinct, interesting and easy to read. Give them something to remember you by.”
Stand out by…
“Use a graphic layout similar to your CV, but not so overly-designed that it’s hard to read. A basic Word doc can easily get lost. Use the hiring manager’s name, tailor your cover letter for the actual role you’re applying for, and for extra brownie points drop the key terms or phrases that they use in the job advertisement.”
Always include…
“Always introduce yourself by way of explaining your overarching career goal. Then include a brief summary of the most recent and/or most relevant work experience and explain how this makes you perfectly suited to the role. Include something that shows your personality or will make you memorable.”
Leave out…
“Omit headshots (they’re just creepy… and potential employers will probably look you up on Google/Instagram/Facebook anyway). Leave out detailed break downs of your education or previous achievements. These can be listed more succinctly in your CV. And leave out exclamation points – you should be able to express your passion for the role without this.”
The perfect length is…
“200 words, maximum.”
Lead collage, Emily Gill of @egstudio.co | Words, Madeleine Woon | With thanks to Eva Galambos of Parlour X
The post Epic Cover Letter Tips With Parlour X’s Founder appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER.
Maddy Woon
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