Tuesday, 31 July 2018
The post appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Jai Kaldor

Monday, 30 July 2018
Finding Friends In The Adult World Friends are important. They help keep life light and full of giggles. They offer support and alternative perspectives, and they keep you on your toes when necessary. Life is more fun with friends. The adult life, however, sees friendships slipping away. We grow apart, move to new locations, or just, you know, get busy. Making new friends in a grownups environment isn’t the easiest of endeavours, either. Whereas school and university offered up an entire buffet of potential friends who we were forced to mingle with daily, as we grow up, the exposure to kindred spirits-in-the-making wanes. Nevertheless, friends are good for the soul. And, we all owe it to ourselves to put new friendships atop our to-do list. So, whip out your notepad and pen, and salute all the future buddies you’ll be making should you heed the following advice… Go Places From attending beauty workshops, a hiking group on Meetup, or taking your beloved pet to the dedicated dog park that one block further than your local patch of grass, these are the places where like-minded friends await. The places you’d like to go! A place where friendships may happen organically! What’s great about partaking in a niche workshop, activity, or standing around at a park, is that there’s no pressure. You’re there for a wider purpose. If you feel brave, strike up a convo with a potential future friend. It can be anything from discussing skincare routines, if you’re at a beauty event to how you’re dying and haven’t actually hiked in years (relatable) if you’re on a hike. Or, how cute their puppy is yapping around your greyhound if you happen to be at the dog park. If you’re in your element, the greater the natural flow of conversation will be. And if not, maybe someone else will make the first move? Just make an effort to remain open. And, always keep your eyes up off your phone. Make Work Work For You Whether you want to get to know your co-workers or not, you spend the majority of your life with these people, so it’s worth giving them a shot. I once worked in a restaurant while in high school with people of all ages and expertise. A friend of mine was friends with everyone there, whereas I always felt shy (and if I’m being honest, a little jealous). Then one day I watched her greet her way through our co-workers. “Good afternoon, how was your week?,” She’d ask. “Do anything fun? How’s the house hunting? How’s Sylvia?” She really knew these people, and had forged genuine friendships because she was curious. She just asked questions. The response was easy and she barely had to shine the focus on herself. While it sounds obvious, our efforts can easily fall through the cracks. Or into the vortex of a computer screen. But, what a difference it can make! The more curious I got, the more these co-workers became people whose company I felt comfortable in. Not to say we went for tea and had sleepovers, just that spending a day at work is much nicer when you’re surrounded by friends. Be Vulnerable As adults, we feel like we’re supposed to have life figured out (lol). But, if we ask the people closest to us, the majority are still waiting for that ship to arrive! No one seems to ~know who they are~ or be living life perfectly. And that’s okay. What I’m saying is, we are all human. In letting our guard down—being honest about our fears and excitements—we give others permission to do the same. We create a cosy place to just be. Isn’t it refreshing when someone is honest? When that mask is removed, I feel my shoulders start to relax. So, when meeting new peeps, embrace those vulnerabilities. Rather than a weakness, they can be perceived as a strength, in that they help us to forge deeper connections. And potentially make some fab new friends! While there are these slightly calculated ways to make new friends, some of the best friendships grow from the most unexpected circumstances. We want to hear your stories! How have you met some of your closest friends as an adult? Drop them in the comments below. Words, Sian Henderson The post Finding Friends In The Adult World appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon

Should We Be Fighting With Our Friends More? Have you ever broken up with a friend? Break ups are bloody awful, no surprises here, but break ups with friends might be even worse. When you begin a romantic relationship, you’re aware that if things don’t work out, the whole thing might go belly-up. That’s a risk you take. Of course it’s not something you focus on unless you need to, but it’s an understood potential and facet of entering into that kind of close companionship with another h.o.o.m.a.n (human). When you forge a friendship, though, there’s no real understanding of a potential end point—no real sense of risk. Friendships (when they begin, at least) are intended and—more importantly—expected to last. BFFs, right? (In all seriousness though, get me a pair of matching butterfly clips, a broken-heart necklace, a terrible garage band name and a weekly sleepover, and I’m yours.) But should things happen to crack and crumble, with broken-heart necklaces being thrown in faces, then you might be facing a friendship break up… and friendship break ups are as tough. as. guts. When you break up with a friend, there’s no emergency response team. Your friends and family aren’t equipped with that unwritten support manual they do so well with at the end of a romantic relationship. The “you’re so much better than them”; the “now you can finally spend time focusing on yourself”; and the “fuck that, let’s get this pal a bottle of campari at 10:00am, a facial, an airbnb in the country, a long lunch and a bucket o’dildos”. *wow emoji* When you break up with a friend there’s none of that. Instead there can be fissures of quiet and back-door opinions that run through your friendship circle. There’s consolation, to be sure, but generally only from friends that are pretty separate to the affected relationship… and fair enough. Even when the consolation comes, though, it’s often light-handed, because, “at least it was only a mate, right? You’ve got tonnes of them, so losing one ‘doth not herald the apocalypse’, as they say…” (they don’t say this.) In reality, though, when you break up with a friend, it can take longer to get over than a break up. It’s shocking—genuinely—because we don’t expect it to happen, we don’t anticipate the hurt that it causes, we don’t quite know how to react to it and society hasn’t prepared us too well to deal with that or prevent it from happening in the first place. Friendship is meant to last ‘forever’. Could this understanding of friendship, as perpetual in nature, mean that we have no sense of risk when we’re forging it? With no sense of risk, is there then no sense of needing to fight for it? More often than not, we won’t fight with our friends, because, well, we’re not in relationships with them… they’re their own people, and they can do as they please, just as we can. This is true, in part, but it’s also untrue, because we are in relationships with them. Friendships, just like romances, are relationships—they’re just different iterations of human closeness and connection. This means that just like any functional romantic relationship, they need this whopper of a thing to work: trust. Trust builds connection and community, and brings us out of isolation. Without trust, we slip away from what might be the most significant part of our human experience: the fact that we’re all in it together, and that we shape it, each other, and ourselves in concert with the rest of the world. So fighting with your friends (respectfully, duh), and committing to an honest, open and sometimes difficult dialogue that is continuously evolving, is yep, confronting, but it will only serve to build the trust between you and inevitably give your friendship the best chance at making the leap to real life BFFs. At the end of the dizzle (day), what are our friendships for, if not to connect, enjoy each other and help shape each other to grow as people? So, without committing to honesty together and the potential hardship of that, are we really committing to each other as friends at all? Get your *matching* boxing mitts on folks! Words, Olivia Pirie-Griffiths The post Should We Be Fighting With Our Friends More? appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon

The Perfect End-of-Summer Dress July 30, 2018 at 12:45PM

The Most Iconic On-Screen Friendships Of All Time I grew up in a small coastal town on the mid-north coast of Australia, which meant that a sizeable chunk of my youth revolved around the beach. And, with the beach came an almost Puberty Blues-esque relationship with boys. When I wasn’t sun-baking or eating hot chips at the local beach-side diner, I was out in the surf “flirting” with whatever surfer boi I was smitten with at the time (this mostly involved ignoring them completely). One school holiday, me and my best friend Hannah holed up inside her room for two straight weeks and watched every single season of Gilmore Girls. We decided that hanging out with each other and binge-watching TV was far superior than chasing boys down at the beach that summer, which was incredibly abnormal social behaviour for two 14-year-old girls from Port Macquarie. While our love of the beach has superseded our love of hanging out in dark rooms watching TV since, our friendship is even stronger thirteen years on. Ily, beb! Gilmore Girls was one of the OGs for me when it came to shows/movies championing female friendships. And I haven’t looked back since. Since there’s no greater feeling than seeing your own friendships mirrored on the big screen—and ’cause it’s Friendship Week, duh—we rounded up the most iconic on-screen friendships of all time. Take a walk through memory lane, and then organise a sleepover with your BFF where you binge-watch ’em all! Sex and the City As Samantha once said of their friendship, “We made a deal ages ago… men, babies, it doesn’t matter. We’re soul mates.” The four women may have talked about men A LOT, but they were there to build each other up, teach each other valuable lessons about friendship, and most importantly, provide us with #wardrobegoals at every turn. If you and your besties never squabbled over who was which character, were you even besties at all? Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants Like, honestly, is there a better plot for a film than a pair of jeans that fit four best friends who all have wildly different body shapes? While the friendship between the four main characters was a heart-warming lesson in being there for your mates always, the subplot between cancer-victim Bailey and Tibby deserves its own special shout out, because it showed that friendships often have the power to defy societal expectations (like age!). Friends Even though they whole cast are all technically friends with each other, Monica and Rachel were each other’s rocks through everything. True ride or dies. Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion The fact that my 10-year reunion is this year still makes me want to cry. But, shout outs to my main girl’s Romy and Michelle for remaining firm BFFs a decade on from finishing school. Also, if you don’t claim to have invented something at your high school reunion, are you even real? Clueless Even though the basis for their friendship probs wouldn’t hold up under a 2018 lens (“She’s my friend because we both know what it’s like for people to be jealous of us”), they were still the BFFs of our dreams growing up. Their matching outfits, their advice for each other, and being each other’s lunch dates no matter what were just some of the reasons why. Remember that scene where they’re on their giant flip phones to each other in the hallway? Iconic. Broad City Yassss, BFFs. There’s literally no greater display of a deep, binding friendship on-screen than Abbi and Illana. They are absolutely smitten with one another (Illana especially), and are all about celebrating life together. Their friendship never revolved around men, unlike so many other on-screen ones do. Gossip Girl While their friendship was defs flawed AF, Serena and Blair were ultimately there for each other in the end. Anyone else shed a tear when S told B: “We went through it together. We raised each other.” Just me? Ok, cool. Thelma and Louise These gals were the OG BFFs. Outside of going on the ultimate road trip, they’re the most bad ass friends ever. Absolutely Fabulous These two women were the true loves of each other’s lives. Outside of wine, that is. They were always there for one another, and you can bet they were always down to carpe the diem right out of life together. Words, Madeleine Woon The post The Most Iconic On-Screen Friendships Of All Time appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon

Sunday, 29 July 2018
Laurença And Lily Prove Female Friendships Are The Best How long have you been friends for? What’s your fave memory together? Both: We met at the last Marques Almeida show. We were in the line up next to each other, and have been BFFs ever since. Working on the casting for a show for the last men’s fashion week was such a fun time. A lot of hard work, but we had so much fun! How would you describe each other in 5 words? Laurença: Lily is hardworking, fun, curious, talkative, and lovely. Lily: Laurença is weird, creative, funny, organised (lol), and driven. What’s your favourite thing about each other? Laurença: Lily always makes me laugh! She always has fun stories, but also can always be trusted. Lily: Laurença is a rare find [laughs], because she’s so willing to help people and she is a breathe of fresh air in a place where everyone is looking out for themselves. In general, what do you value in a friend? Laurença: Having a friend you can be completely open with, and trust. Lily: Having someone you can be yourself around with no judgement! Do you have nicknames for each other? If so what are they? Laurença: Sometimes I call Lily my assistant to annoy her [laughs]. Instagrams @lilymwright @llaurenca | Photographer @mikechalmers The post Laurença And Lily Prove Female Friendships Are The Best appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon

Welcome To Friendship Week! Most of the songs, books, TV shows and movies that I tuned into growing up would have liked me to believe that romantic relationships were the most important relationships in life. Like most tweens, I was a small, walking sponge of a human with a deeply overactive imagination, and so the trajectory of many of my daydreams were me + handsome boy = happily ever after. My walls were adorned with pics of heartthrobs Josh Hartnett and Heath Ledger, and—an aspiring poet/songstress—I penned many tragic rhymes about the kind of love I had no experience or qualifications in. I talked to boys on MSN most nights that I’d never dare speak to IRL, and played Sims almost exclusively so I could create online avatars of me and my various crushes. I was a real boy freak, in case you couldn’t tell. There were some exceptions to this rule. Three of my favourite movies growing up were Now and Then, Clueless and Blue Crush, all of which championed female friendships, and I was a devout consumer of TV shows like Daria, Gilmore Girls and Sex and the City (despite centring heavily on men, the latter had a lot of important friendship lessons throughout). My favourite music group of all time was Destiny’s Child (still is, tbh), and their track ‘Girl’ in particular engendered the enduring idea that true friends will have your back through every single one of life’s twists and turns; especially the less sunny ones. What can I say? Friends are the coolest. To celebrate International Friendship Day today, we’ve decided to dedicate the entire week to exploring the wonderful world of BFFs. So what can you expect to be reading on the site this week? When we’re not hanging with IRL besties Laurenca and Lily from London, we’ll be peering back on all the most iconic on-screen friendships throughout time, giving pointers on how to make friends in an adult world, and looking at ways to be there for your friends through darker moments. We’ll be making a case for why platonic relationships should be valued as highly as romantic ones, looking to the zodiac for compatibility pointers, and debating whether we should be fighting more for/with our friends. We’ll talk about not falling into the ol’ boyfriend trap, and when it’s time to draw some lines in the sand with our closest mates. So, call your bestie and tell them you love them, then buckle in for the ride of your life. If there’s anything else you think we should cover, be sure to let us know in the comments. After all—what are internet friends for? The post Welcome To Friendship Week! appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon

The Forever Piece: A Black Coat Wearing: Reliquia earrings, Joseph black coat, JBrand t-shirt, Camilla ans Marc Jeans, By Far shoes I set out this winter to find a long black coat I can wear with pretty much everything. I had been missing a black coat from my wardrobe over the last couple of winters so was very overdue. I’m a big fan of Joseph due to their quality, and have a similar long cream coat from them which I’ve been playing the alternating game all winter. So, my advice on a black coat? Go classic without flashy details. A black coat is a forever piece so be picky and invest in a good quality cashmere or wool. Also make sure before you put it away for next year give it a little TLC by taking it to the dry cleaner – you’ll thank me later. Photos by Ana Sunday-Tanedo Harper and Harley
Saturday, 28 July 2018
Friday, 27 July 2018
These Are the Perfect Pair of Jeans July 27, 2018 at 12:45PM

TRUE OR FALSE: Silica Helps With Nail Growth Welcome to this week’s segment of ‘TRUE OR FALSE’. Each week, we’ll be prodding and poking old wives tales (and ideas sold to us by large beauty corporations) from every angle to see how they stand up in the face of T-R-U-T-H. This time around we consulted our dear friend, the internet, to determine whether or not cutting your hair makes it grow faster. Here goes! Silica, Does it Legitimately Work?! Like For Real? They say Silica is “the best kept secret for healthy hair, skin and nails”, but is this promising statement really legit? This is a discussion I have brought up with increasing frequency in the office of late. Why, you ask? Because I was born with a lack of keratin (an extremely tough protein, that is a major component found in our skin, hair, and especially our nails!). Lucky 4 moi, my hair grows at like 489 miles per hour, but my nails are a totally different story. My best friend is one of the ~lucky ones~. Her nails are constantly at a *fabulous* length, and are as hard as… nails (lol, punny me). Me on the other hand—a whole different story! I had a good run two years ago whilst wooting around Croatia for my European summer vaccay, literally swimming and sunbaking for a month, not lifting a finger, ever. During this time I had astonishingly long nails—long enough to paint (and not look like a 6-year-old wanting to doll myself up). It was fab, though short lived. I arrived back in Sydney and just HAD to find a way to get those lush bad boys back. Silica. Everywhere I read, Silica, Silica, Silica! *Oy vey!*. Silica is a mineral that is related to healthy and strong connective tissue—the muscles, tendons, hair, nails, cartilage and bone, as well as healthy skin. It takes all the nutrients to the nails, helping not only to strengthen, but also feeds the nail bed with all the vital nutrients that encourage strong and healthy nails. Obviously, I was sold. Off to Chemist Warehouse I went. The package said ‘take 1 tablet per day with food’, so that’s dutifully what I did for a month, as suggested. Magically strong, long and beautiful nails? Nowhere to be seen, if I’m being real. Now let me confess, I am guilty of expecting instant changes. I’m impatient and I require fast-acting results, so I kept that in mind. Considering that it had been four long hard weeks of remembering to take that daily tablet, I really didn’t see/feel much of a difference. Now, this is just my personal experience, and I would love to hear others journey on the Silica train. While I have your attention, let me tell you about some other ways to get that growth hip hop happenin’… DON’T CUT YOUR CUTICLES!!! There is no good done in cutting your cuticles! They are essentially there protect the matrix (tissue under the nail) from where the nail is growing from, so why the hell cut them off?! Cutting the cuticle can easily cause infection and it ain’t pretty i’ll tell ya that much. MOISTURISE THOSE CUTICLES Though you’re not meant to cut the cuticle, it is recommended to keep them moisturised so they’re soft and give way to the nail growing. I carry around little tin of Burts Bee’s Lemon Butter Cuticle Crème http://t.cn/Re5lRFY to quickly massage into my nails after I wash my hands to keep them soft ‘n’ sparkly (not really, just soft). Oh and if you’re an oil person, Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects your nails, so rub that sh**t on. STOP THE SHELLAC AND ACRYLICS! This, I cannot stress enough. THEY ARE NOT GOOD FOR YOUR NAILS. First of all, they file your whole nail down to then glue on the faux nail or gel, how does that even remotely sound nourishing for those precious little angels?! THEN to remove, they literally saturate each nail in pure acetone, which sizzles through each layer shellac until it reaches your nails. And look, most of the time you’re left to cut the remainder of the flakey and weak nails you now have off after (if you haven’t ripped the shellac off by yourself already). They’re my top 3, but I want to hear from you guys have to say. I will never give up this fight. I will have long, strong, lean nails someday. The post TRUE OR FALSE: Silica Helps With Nail Growth appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Jai Kaldor

Thursday, 26 July 2018
Best shampoo for hair loss – if you’re worried about thinning and seek volume
Thinning hair beware
As women, we associate a full head of glossy hair with our femininity, we work the best hair oil into our locks in the hope that our hair will be the shiniest. But hair loss issues are on the rise, and in a culture that follows the mantra, the bigger the hair, the better, losing it can be not only be disheartening, it can be down right distressing too. Which is why the best shampoo for hair loss can be invaluable.
An estimated eight million women in the UK are suffering from hair loss and around 45% of women are concerned with thinning hair, making it an issue to address now more than ever.
One of the most common causes of thinning hair is a lack of iron, however there are other factors that can lead to hair thinning too. It can be down to losing excessive hair, but it can also be caused by the actual diameter of your hair shafts reducing.
And while both result in volume reduction, hair diameter thinning happens over a long period of time, while excessive hair shedding can result in more rapid reduction of volume if the daily loss of hair is substantial.
For instance, if you suffer from Androgenetic alopecia, you will notice thinning hair at the top, frontal area and just behind your hairline, while hair at the back stays thick. This is due to an enzyme that causes conversion of the male sex hormone testosterone to another hormone known as dihyydrotestosterone (DHT). This causes the hair follicles to produce thinner hair.
On the other hand, Alopecia areata – an autoimmune disease that affects up to 2% of the population – causes round patches of hair loss and can lead to total baldness.
It’s typically normal to lose around 1,000 hairs a day but shedding can also be accelerated due to illness, stress, medication or hormones. However, with the right kind of treatment, nutrition and healthy living, you can help your hair grow back within six months.
You can follow tips and tricks for thinning hair, but the best shampoo for hair loss is a great place to start.
We’ve pulled together the best shampoos for hair loss, to help give your hair the volume you want and the care it needs.
The post Best shampoo for hair loss – if you’re worried about thinning and seek volume appeared first on Marie Claire.
from Marie Claire https://ift.tt/2AdC87p
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
Low-Maintenance Blonde For The Lazy Gal “Don’t live beyond your means” is a phrase my parents love to recycle. For most of my teens and early 20s, this was a phrase that I loved to ignore. There was no greater tangible evidence of this than the hair that sat atop my head, which I routinely dyed for over a decade (scalp bleach, foils, packet dye—you name it, I dabbled in it). Hoodwinking people into thinking you are a natural-born blonde is not a cheap venture—ask my lack of savings over this time period, should you require proof. My quest to disguise a mousey-ish hair colour that I now kinda love also wreaked havoc on the quality of my mane. At worst, I was pulling clumps of hair out in the shower, and at best, my hair was as dry as your glass of TGIF Chardonnay. Split ends were a common fixture in my life during this period, and regrowth was almost always there to remind people that I was a fraud (despite the thousands of dollars that I spent on upkeep). As with most things, my approach to dying hair was all-or-nothing. When I decided to hang up my fake blonde boots, I grew as much colour out as I could stomach (leaning hard into the ~grunge~ aesthetic as I went), then chopped my hair into a short bob to bid adieu to the rest. As they say, change is as good as a holiday, so I was initially delighted with my new ‘do. It didn’t take long for that joy to metamorphosis into B-O-R-E-D-O-M, though. What did this born-again-hair-colour-virgin want? A splash of colour! When did she want it? Now! And that’s where angel human/freelance hair artist & master colourist Georgia Osborne comes in. My friend Elissa McGowan has been recommending her to me for as long as I can remember, and her hair, which always looks perfect whether blonde or brunette, was more than enough of an impetus to book myself in for a visit to Moody Hair to let Georgia’s expert hands cure me of my mousey hair woes. My brief was this: I am very lazy and I don’t want to spend too much time or money on upkeep, I want it to look natural as possible, and I want my hair to be as healthy as possible! (It’s been two months since my visit, and my hair has grown out better than I could have hoped for—the regrowth seamlessly blends into my natural hair colour, and the texture has always like an Equipment silk shirt. If you’re a fellow lazy gal looking for a low-maintenance blonde, see below for tips from the hair wiz herself… What Should I Ask The Hairdresser For? I wasn’t 100% sure what to ask for when I went in, outside of the above brief and some images saved to my phone of iconic 90s blondes. I knew I didn’t want a scalp bleach nor that foil lewk, but my instructions outside of that were quite vague. Never mind that though, ’cause as all good hairdressers are, Georgia turned out to be a mind reader. This is what she did (and what you should ask for at the hairdresser if you’re down for a lazy-girl blonde): “We started with placing some fine foils throughout your hair that are a couple of shades lighter than your natural colour, so when I followed with the freehand balayage it looks like it has a sun-kissed, natural feel, rather than a blocky un-natural feel. If done this way, re-touch bookings between 3-4 months is all that is needed.” What Are The Best Products For Upkeep? Georgia recommends using good quality salon-bought products for low-maintenance blonde. I am a long-standing fan of Kevin Murphy’s Angel Wash and the Angel Rinse (and will always recommend them to any of my fellow fake blonde friends), but Georgia also put me onto some miracle products by French brand La Biosthetique. For anyone going blonde, whether that be subtle blonde like current moi or peroxide blonde like former moi, I can’t recommend La Biosthetique Vital Protection Couleur Shampoo and Conditioner more highly. Also, if your scalp is dry from colouring (or just, you know, life), and is in need of some extra TLC, their hair lotion has done wonders for my scalp’s health. As Georgia explains, “they have been specifically designed for protection from colour and moisture-loss, and powerful active ingredients restore softness and lively, shiny colour to the hair.” My hair can attest to that. She also recommended alternating once a fortnight with the La Biosthetique Glam Colour in Crystal, a “toning moisture treatment that will keep unwanted brassy tones away to keep that fresh creamy blonde feeling.” Again, can confirm! How Often Should I Wash My Hair? While there’s always going to be debate around the frequency with which we wash our hair, Georgia recommends her clients wash their hair every 3 days! For A Low-Maintenance Blonde, Should I Stick Close To My Natural Colour? “Someone picking a low-maintenance blonde should have a mixture of lights and shadows, with the lighter pieces being focused around the face, throughout the ends and where the sun and fading would naturally add lightness,” Georgia recommends. And What Other Hair Colour Trends Are ~Hot~ Right Now? “I’m having a lot of clients asking for warmer, brighter colours, or completely opposite and going rich, shiny and dark.” Any more questions, pop them in the comments section below! Words, Madeleine Woon | With thanks to Georgia Osborne at Moody Hair The post Low-Maintenance Blonde For The Lazy Gal appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon

Real Talk: It’s Totally Okay to do Things at Your Own Pace July 25, 2018 at 12:45PM

How to Use Concealer, the Right Way Current favourite concealer: Diorskin Forever Undercover in #030 and #020 How are your concealer skills? I have to admit, I didn’t always get this right, but at 29 I finally feel like i’ve found the right concealer and method for me. Here are my tops 5 tips on applying and choosing a concealer. You actually need two shades of concealer – yep, sorry bank account. One of these should match your foundation shade exactly, to seamlessly blend and hide any blemishes, and the other an ever so slightly lighter shade to brighten under the eyes. Always apply concealer after foundation, yes I know people love to debate this. Once your foundation has done most of the heavy lifting and colour correcting, you’ll know where you need to add your concealer, it just makes more sense. You don’t need as much as you think. Go lightly, and then you can always add more later. Remember that you still want you skin to look like skin. When applying under the eyes to disguise dark or puffy circles, don’t go too close to the eye, ie, avoid those little crinkles as much as possible as you concealer will fall into these lines and they’ll be more obvious. Instead go a little lower and blend, blend, blend. Don’t forget to apply to the outer corners of your eyes where the skin can be a little red, this makes a huge difference to the brightness around the eye. I would love for your to leave a comment below with your tried and tested favourite concealer and why you love it. x Harper and Harley
Tuesday, 24 July 2018
These 5 Women Are Rewriting The French-Girl Style Rules I’m not alone in my love of French-girl style. ILY4eva, Jane Birkin. There’s something so mesmerising about they way french women throw together jeans, wrap dresses and metallic heels, and look equal parts effortless, stylish and put-together. It’s an art form, and one that I’m not sure I’ll ever completely master. Despite this life-long infatuation with French-girl style, I’ve been increasingly taken by women who are challenging the status quo. While they still exude that regional-specific coolness, these are the kind of women who are rewriting the rules of French-girl style with their #impeccable style. Below, 5 of my favourite envelope-pushers! @emmarowenrose Emma Rowen Rose Emma is a 21-year-old, self-described ‘French multi-tasker’ who has the best gosh darn style this side of the Eiffel Tower (although she is currently putting her most fashionable foot forward in Italy’s fashion capital, Milan). While the basic tenet of french girl style is ‘effortless’ (think a white t-shirt and jeans), the designer/writer/model is certainly not risk-averse or casual when it comes to throwing together looks. She seems to subscribe to a ‘more is more’ philosophy instead, although always still in her own understated and elegant way. Her Instagram makes a strong case for utilising beauty lewks to enhance your outfit. But why am I still here? Have a look for yourself above below, and then head here if you want/need more. @emmarowenrose PS: ~watch this space~, because her impeccable style is coming to a STREET 365 section near you soon! SHOP HER LOOK: If you want to emulate Emma’s style, start with these Reliquia triple hoops, then add this Marques’ Almeida ruched top, this Clyde straw hat, this oversized blazer, these houndstooth trousers, and finally, the bag of the moment, a.k.a the Dior saddle bag. @annabfrr Annabelle Ferrera @annabfrr Annabelle is part of that Gucci Gang (alongside other cooler-than-you teens Crystal, Thais, and Angelina). She’s super into bright colours/patterns and cute socks, and we’re super into that (especially the latter, since you know we all about that cost-effective accessories life). In case you’re yet to be introduced, the Gucci Gang are your new fave girl gang. They gained a big following online for their youthful exuberance, laid-back style (that fuses thrift store pieces with designer), and epitomise the next generation of Parisian creatives. SHOP HER LOOK: Annabelle’s outfit recipe consists of the following ingredients: a fun check trench coat (like this Capulet one), a pair of Nike Air Forces, and a fun picnic blanket-esque skirt. If you’re taking insp from a more neutral outfit of hers, throw the following items in your basket: Céline fashion glasses, a gold pendant necklace, this J.Crew t-shirt and these Mimi Holvast scrunchie pants! @lena.simonne Lena Brunaux Lena Brunaux has been throwing together steezy looks since 1997. The young model has a 90s supermodel vibe to her (see here for indisputable evidence), and while she can definitely lean into the archetypal french-girl style—think floral dresses, and cropped flare jeans paired with metallic heels—she also mixes things up with sporty spice-inspired get ups and millennial pink coats. Get lurking! SHOP HER LOOK: Lean into the bike short trend, grab yourself a Ralph Lauren polo shirt, or go pretty in pink with this v. affordable Topshop blazer. @lena.simonne @reginaanikiya Regina Anikiy Fashion model Regina Anikiy is just at home in a suit as she is a pair of fashion trackies. When she’s not modelling for brands like Calvin Klein, she’s absolutely killing it on her Instagram in the 90s sandals of our dreams, doing leather pants justice, and making us reconsider our decision to cut our hair into a bob. SHOP HER LOOK: Nab yourself a pair of Rag & Bone trackpants and Poppy Lissiman x Adam Selman sunnies or for her night-time look, a pair of sky-high strappy sandals, fitted trousers, a well-tailored blazer and a sky-high ponytail. @reginaanikiya @honyforest Honey Forestier Honey Forestier is a french artist currently living her best life in New York City. The influence of the Big Apple certainly shines thru in the way she dresses—very streetwear chic, if you ask me. Aside from killing it in the ~sartorial department~, she is also very adept at the nail art game (>>>>). SHOP HER LOOK: First thing’s first—get yourself a bucket hat! Next, furnish your body with a cute polka dot top and a tennis skirt, and then go H.A.M on the nail art! @honyforest The post These 5 Women Are Rewriting The French-Girl Style Rules appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon

Monday, 23 July 2018
The 11 Undergarments Your Wardrobe Needs July 23, 2018 at 12:45PM

Here’s a little styling secret: What you wear under your clothes can make or break your entire outfit — and I’m talking about more than just hiding your VPLs (visible panty lines).
You may have a love-or-hate relationship with shapewear (we all know that pulling on a pair of Spanx can be a tricky affair!) but you’ll see an immediate difference when it’s layered under your outfit, especially anything form-fitting. Most women turn to shapewear to shrink their bodies, but it’s not about constricting or shrinking your figure. The right underpinnings have the power to enhance your natural curves and help your clothes fit even better — and if you choose the right pieces, they can even be comfortable and supportive!
That’s right, if you literally can’t breathe in them, they’re probably not the right size.
Consider this your comprehensive guide to your new and improved underpinnings drawer.
Exhausted? Here’s 9 Painless Steps Towards A Better Night’s Sleep Despite the fact that I only love my bed and my mumma (I’m sorry), my sleeping patterns have been bent outta shape lately. How can I tell? Well, I’m one micro-sleep-at-my-desk away from propping my chin up with a piece of wood, investing in those drawn-on-eye-glasses favoured by sleepy genius Homer Simpson, and employing a typing bird to do my job for me (another Homer Simpson hack—who said TV wasn’t educational?). While my eyelids feel like they’re carrying around sandbags, sleep is one of my favourite activities. I love it. I recently joined the 27 club, and the first byproduct of old age I’m experiencing is the #need to hit eight hours of sleep every night. Whereas recommendations from friends used to take the form of cool bars and hot new jams, they now mostly revolve around the best books to read in bed with a cup of tea and the most dependable sleeping apps. Ah, life. With the exception of social-heavy weeks and those accidental nights out when a casual drink with a friend turns into belting out Beyonce’s entire back catalogue at 3am in a dingy karaoke room, I generally hit my 7-8 hour target. Go. Me. Although, given my depleted energy levels, it seems my quantity is not matched by quality. As I do in times like this, I turned to my good friend, the internet for hot tips on how to right my wrongs. Here’s what I found… Go To Bed At A Reasonable Hour I can see your eyes rolling back in your head all the way from here. But, while this seems like a perfectly achievable and straight-forward goal, it’s one I nary adhere to, and I’m guessing if you’re reading this, neither do you. There are more obstacles between awake me and asleep me than there is in a game of Mario Kart. As night falls, my mind floods with all the possible activities and life-changing pursuits I could partake in: watching TV, listening to podcasts, writing big goals and then breaking them down into smaller ones, going deep on a documentary about Putin, calling my friend in Amsterdam, flexing my hobby muscles, writing up a budget, cleaning out my wardrobe, etc etc. Here’s an idea! Instead of fretting about all the things you could be doing, just pick one and do it. Here’s an even better idea! Read a book. Tucking into a novel has been the best thing to happen to my sleep since I bought linen sheets. Curb Your Enthusiasm For Coffee In The PM Go all Larry David on your afternoon coffee. I.e. curb your enthusiasm. I.e. PUT THAT CUP DOWN! As a lapsed afternoon coffee addict, I hand-on-heart know how sad (nay, heart-wrenching) it is to part with your arvo coffee, but that’s where my good mate tea comes in. Dandelion tea is perf if you’re after something that mimics the taste of coffee, chai is pretty much the snack equivalent of the beverage world, turmeric has a plethora of health benefits and tastes real good with almond milk, but the real MVP of the loose leaf world when it comes to catching Zs is chamomile. Get slurping! Exercise Your Right To Exercise Omg, have you heard the latest? Exercise is good 4 u. I know, right? Earth-shattering! Aside from making me a much more palatable human to be around (in terms of mewd swings), exercise is great for: falling asleep more quickly, sleeping better, and feeling less tired through the day. Morning is the best time to do it, FYI! Get Bougie About It There’s a few fancy things you can do to make your sleep as restorative as a six week yoga retreat in the hills of Bali. In saving the best for first, buy yourself some nice pyjamas. My vibe at the moment is silk, with the reasoning being HAVE YOU SEEN THESE PYJAMAS?! Give your new pyjamas a lil’ play mate in the form of a SILK sleep mask for the most uninterrupted sleep of yo’ life. Take A Nightly Vaccay From Your Screen There’s nothing quite like feeling tired around 11pm, jumping into bed and firing up your iPhone, only to emerge from an Instagram binge-session at 1am. According to Dr Siegel, a clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA School of Medicine, ‘People are exposing their eyes to this stream of photons that basically tells your brain to stay awake and not go to sleep yet.’ Yikes. Turn your screen off no later than 9pm to avoid slipping into such a vortex. Your brain will thank you at work the next day. Make Your Bed Every Morning My friends helped me celebrate my twenty seventh lap ‘round the sun last week by coming for a sleepover, proving that late 20s really are the new early tweens. My friend, who we’ll call Gab because that’s her name, made the spare bed like the angel she is, and then further revealed that this is a daily habit of hers. Saintly behaviour. Her reasoning was that it’s a good habit (tru), but DYK it can also help you sleep better? Going to bed in a clean, relaxed environment can make it easier to fall asleep. An untidy room and untucked sheets cause stress and anxiety that can keep us up at night. I can vouch for that! Reduce Your Alcohol Intake This one sucks. Although alcohol will make you nice and drowsy, and therefore the prime candidate for a snooze, after a few hours it acts as a stimulant, increasing the number of awakenings and generally decreasing the quality of sleep later in the night. Xperts therefore advise limiting your intake to one to glasses per day, and to avoid drinking within three hours of bedtime. I will always look for a loop hole when it comes to any advice that stands in opposition to what my heart wants (in this case, a wine in the bath before bed), and luckily I have found one! Indulging in the odd nightcap isn’t so bad. Timothy Roehrs, director of research at the Sleep Disorders and Research Center of Detroit’s Henry Ford Hospital, told The Huffington Post that “usually it takes more than one drink to have any disruptive effects on sleep.” Phew! Keep A Pen And Paper Next To Your Bed If your mind is an anxious one, this is especially pertinent. Any time a to-do swirls into your brain, write it down. Write them all down, then finish with the words, ‘It can wait until tomorrow.’ If your mind is being especially frenetic, get out of bed—without looking at any of your devices—and head to another dimly lit room to write down all your thots. Writing down worries helps to differentiate the hypothetical ones from the real ones. Try let go of the hypothetical ones, and over breakfast the next morning, you can make plans to work through the real ones. Seize Your Sleep Opportunity Sleep scientist Matthew Walker talks about ‘sleep opportunity’ in his book Why We Sleep. Basically, sleep opportunity means focusing on how many hours in bed you need to get enough sleep, not on how many hours of sleep you need. While I wish I could slide into bed and fall asleep the minute my head touched the pillow, not many people can. Instead, the focus should be on giving yourself the sleep opportunity you need, which means accounting for the time it takes for you to fall into a slumber. Words, Madeleine Woon \ Collage, Emily Gill The post Exhausted? Here’s 9 Painless Steps Towards A Better Night’s Sleep appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon

Sunday, 22 July 2018
The Only Swimsuits To Pack For Your Next Summer Vacation I’ve already cried you a river re: me not being in Europe while every single person I follow on social media is, and now I’m back! While you are probs preparing to join the rest of my Instagram feed for a month of eating whatever you damn please, drinking bulk spritzes, and sunning your limbs on various pebbled beaches in the South of France, I’ve decided I’d like to take a dip in the aforementioned body of water that comprises solely of my not-in-Europe-induced tears. And I need some cute swimsuits to get me there, dammit. Jks! I just love trawling the internet for swimmers well in advance of swim season here in Australia, and thought I’d share with you my findings. While there’s a few trends making the rounds at the moment—high-cut, monochrome, F-U-N colours, among them—the general rule when it comes to swimsuits is there are no rules! What a hoot! There’s a shape, colour palette and cut for errryone, all of which are detailed below. Come take a dip with me in the vast sea that is online shopping for swimsuits. Waaa-hooo! Be The Tablecloth You Wish To See In The World SPLURGE: This one time I wore a checked red-and-white blouse to an Italian restaurant, and the incessant stares/heckles about BYO’ing a tablecloth was character building, let me tell you. Follow in my footsteps with any number of the gawjuz gingham swimmer options on offer at the moment. Like this Solid and Striped swimsuit that treads the line between adorable and sexy (no easy feat!), or this off-shoulder Beach Riot x Stone Cold Fox bikini top and matching briefs (the only bikini I ever wanna slurp back spaghetti in). SAVE: If you’d prefer to spend ur hard-earned dollars on fancy Italian dinners instead of togs, you’re in luck ’cause there’s a whole smorgasbord of cheap alternatives on offer. This red-and-white bikini top and matching bottoms proves just why ASOS is the real MVP, but this Lace Up number will have heads turning the world over. WEAR IT WITH: Spaghetti stains! Jokes(ish). A fresh white blouse, these actually perfect denim shorts and gladiator sandals. Or, you know bare feet and this heavenly white cotton mini dress. Star In Your Own Black-And-White Rom Com SPLURGE: Monochrome doesn’t have to be a total snoozefest. Quite the opposite! Dreamiest woman alive, Eliana Rodriguez, just proved that it’s actually the most perfect colour palette with which to adorn your limbs in at the beach this season, with these high-cut bad boys from her new line, Gil Rodriguez (pictorial evidence above!). My case study doesn’t end there, though. This Lisa Marie Fernandez high-waisted plaid bikini was literally MADE for you to frolic around the South of France in, and this Norma Kamali low-back one piece screams, Get you a swimsuit who can do both! “Both” meaning: cute enough to ~be seen~ in and sporty enough to cut laps in the pool with. SAVE: If your 60s romantic comedy doesn’t have a Hollywood budget, don’t sweat it, we’ve found some options that won’t chew into your Europe savings (om nom nom). This Uniqlo triangle bikini is a great starting point (just throwing it out there—triangles are my fave shape, both in general and when it comes to bikinis), and this River Island Asymmetric Ruffle swimsuit has your name written all over it. WEAR IT WITH: If I were to dip my toe in the monochrome pond, I’d pair my b&w swimmers with a black sarong, a pair of chunky gold earrings and a simple pair of black slides. Elegant and simple beach attire wins, I always say! Band(eau) Together, Friends! SPLURGE: I’ve already espoused the joys of wearing a bandeau bra as a glam evening top, and now I’m here to sermonise the benefits of wearing its swimmer material equivalent to the beach. I mean, the above sentence speaks for itself: you can head straight from the beach to the bar with just one garment—the ultimate goal of holiday dressing. Other benefits include: no weird décolletage tan lines and feeling like your Suprè-loving 15-year-old self (who wore bewb tewbs on the reg) but with a sophisticated, adult twist. Forgive me Hunza G, for I have once again fallen in love with a bikini of your making, but this time the love interest in question is this beaut black bandeau swimsuit. This Faithfull green and white stripe bikini is also sophisticated af (and would look so dreamy with gold hoops), but it’s this TM Rio bikini that’s gonna keep me up at night. Actually, scrap that. I’ll be losing the most sleep over this truly fab Dolce & Gabbana bikini. SAVE: Once again, my thanks can be directed at ASOS for coming through with the cheap alternatives. Plain black is always a good idea, which is why you should be adding this black bandeau bikini to your shopping cart in 3,2,1… Added? Cool! Keep it company in your suitcase with this blue-and-white top (the most ideal colour palette, IMO), or go full vaccay mode with this bright red scallop number. WEAR IT WITH: Pair with a silk midi skirt and fancy earrings for the ultimate ~gal on holiday~ vibe, or with pleated pants for a kewl day time lewk. Lisa Aiken is allegedly championing the return of the pareo (what I commonly refer to as the ‘sarong’), and while I’d argue that it never really left, I couldn’t be anymore down for this news. Especially since this Dolce & Gabbana skirt exists and it is perfect. A wedge espadrille, a pair of strappy sandals or your favourite sneakers would all make suitable foot companions, pending how far the walk from the beach to the bar is. Whatever you choose from the above options, know that an oversized linen shirt is NON-NEGOTIABLE. Have Some Fun In The Sun SPLURGE: Life’s pretty straight without a fun swimsuit! Don’t believe me? Just ask this multicoloured Mara Hoffman bad boy, or this supremely kawaii tangerine dream of a Flag Pole one-piece. See? SEE! Um, I actually had to step away from keyboard and scream a little bit when I saw this Zimmermann striped bikini. If you run into me on the beach at any point this year, you best believe I will be wearing that bikini. Oh. My. Goddess. While we’re here, I just wanted to ask you a quick rhetorical q: do you know those things that you don’t know you need, but then can’t live your life without? For me that’s now sparkly swimsuits, which you will understand for yourself when you click here.SAVE: Fun swimmers don’t have to drain your funds. See here, here and here for irrefutable proof!WEAR IT WITH: I’m gonna go ahead and make an ass out of u and me by assuming that if you’re into fun swimsuits, then you are ready and willing to carpe the diem with your entire outfit. Thank u for making my job way more colourful! Enter the following key wardrobe pieces: this super fun Holiday The Label dress, this Ganni sarong, these fruity earrings, or this Diane von Furstenberg scarf top! A Cut Above The RestSPLURGE: Good news alert: the cut favoured by 80s aerobics teachers is back in fash, and it’s infinitely more flattering than its low-cut counterpart IMO. Thank your lucky stars that this super flattering Norma Kamali one-piece comes in both black and white, and that the lush swimwear label has also made a one-shoulder swimsuit in cherry red that will be the best friend your butt ever did have. If it’s a high-waisted bottom that you’re after, these Mara Hoffman swimmer bottoms are perf (and it’d be remiss not to keep them company with the matching top).SAVE: I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Glassons has got your back with the high-cut swimsuit bottoms if money is an issue. ASOS has these great before-pay-day black high-cut swimmer bottoms, and these magical high-waisted ribbed bottoms in white to really bring out your (fake) tan. WEAR IT WITH: A massive smile, a white t-shirt and a camera slung around your neck. Otherwise, pop some coloured Tevas and this perfect embroidered linen top on. Khaki pants are optional. Embrace The Grey Area SPLURGE: Buying a grey swimsuit had honestly never occurred to me before I spotted this beaut Hunza G bikini, but now I see beautiful grey togs everywhere I go. Take, for example, this other more kawaii iteration from the ‘kini brand, themselves, or this simply stunning one-shouldered Eres swimsuit that makes me feel like a significantly fancier version of myself even just by looking at it. SAVE: If you don’t feel like spending the better half of your weekly pay on swimmers as grey as the winter sky itself, dw ‘cause this metallic Nookie Beach number will look *dashing* with your tan (bottled, of course). As will this #flawless one-shouldered grey Jade Swim swimsuit. WEAR IT WITH: It all depends on the vibe you’re going for, really. One corner of my brain is all, “Bucket hats! Terry towelling shorts! Tevas!”, but then the other part is down to make like Sabina Soccol with cat-eye sunglasses, a gold pendant necklace and a healthy dose of French girl ‘tude. Why not hit two birds (lewks) with one stone (grey swimsuit)? Sun Safety First SPLURGE: There’s nothing cooler than sun safety, IMO. My décolletage can not handle on single more trip to the beach without this high-neck Her Line black swimsuit, nor this Solid & Striped cropped rash vest. This Lisa Marie Fernandez swimsuit will make you feel like a Bond girl, and the incred flattering neoprene fabric will make you look like one, too. SAVE: This PrettyLittleThing swimsuit will keep your chest protected and yourself looking cute (but make sure your swimming bud is there to slip, slop slap some SPF on your back), and this Babes In Bathers rash vest is the most adorable thing to happen to swimsuits since the polka dot trend swept the globe last year. WEAR IT WITH: A big ass straw hat, a heck load of SPF, and sunglasses so large they’ll throw shade over the whole beach. Words, Madeleine Woon The post The Only Swimsuits To Pack For Your Next Summer Vacation appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon

Friday, 20 July 2018
The post appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon

The post appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon

Here’s What I’m Buying for Fall July 20, 2018 at 03:49PM

It’s never too early to shop for Fall, especially when everything’s on sale! And now that the Nordstrom sale is open to the public, lots more just-arrived pieces have been added and I just can’t help myself.
From pajamas, to lounge-worthy sweaters, classic coats and everything I can pair with leggings, this is what I’m stocking up on for Fall:
Thursday, 19 July 2018
Quick Style Tip: Ditch the Strapless Bra July 19, 2018 at 09:54PM

Every time I post an outfit wearing an off-shoulder dress or top, I get flooded with questions about what strapless bra I’m wearing? 9 times out of 10, I’m wearing my regular bra! So I wanted to share a quick tip with you all, in hopes of making your decision a bit easier when contemplating trying the off-shoulder trend.
Instead of wearing a strapless, you can simply take your bra straps down off your shoulders a bit, to mimic the off-shoulder of the top or dress. So for those of you who can’t seem to get your girls on board with a strapless bra, you no longer need to!
Speaking of bras, this is my current fave because it’s so comfortable I literally forget I’m even wearing a bra at all, it doesn’t make marks on my shoulders because it doesn’t dig in, and it gives amazing shape and support. (I’m a 34G for reference).
Here are some of my current fave off-shoulder styles:
Back to the Basics
I have been having loads of fun with my wardrobe lately- wearing more sparkles, color, fringe and epic boots than I ever thought possible. And even though summer is the perfect time to wear carefree and fun looks, it’s always a good idea to push pause and go back to the basics. Like an all cream look and a great pair of black heels.
Speaking of heels, I love this pair by Stuart Weitzman. The sculptural round heel, combined with the thicker straps and tiny gold detail just screams “wear me all summer long!” They truly are the perfect combination of artful and functional.
Put your best foot forward with my favorite SW heels below!

Ed. note: This post was sponsored by Stuart Weitzman. The compensation received in exchange for placement on wel* is used to purchase props, hire a photographer, write/edit the blog post and support the larger team behind wel*. While compensation was received in exchange for coverage, all thoughts and opinions are always my own. Thank you for supporting our partners!
The post Back to the Basics appeared first on Wide Eyed Legless.
Madelynnhigh summer style guide July 19, 2018 at 12:42PM

Wednesday, 18 July 2018
4 Ways to Make an All Black Outfit More Interesting July 18, 2018 at 12:45PM

Tuesday, 17 July 2018
A French Model’s Guide To Paris Earlier this year, we found ourselves in the city of love—and incredibly well-dressed women—for PFW. In between dressing almost exclusively in plaid, eating our body weight in croissants (and wine), and falling head-over-heels in l-u-r-v-e at the Chanel show, we put aside a day to hang out with cute human Léa Bonneau (@leabonleabon). And, boy are we glad we did! Léa is a fountain of knowledge when it comes to living your best life in Paris. Her fave thing about life in the dreamy city is that “you can do everything by foot”, and fittingly, for her that means cutting around in style in sling-back Chanel heels, paired with vintage Levi’s jeans, a Chanel jacket and a turtleneck by none other than our favourites at Par Femme. So Frenchy, so chic! Get to know Paris through her eyes below. Warning: you will almost definitely be tempted to buy flights upon reading! The post A French Model’s Guide To Paris appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon

Monday, 16 July 2018
Exciting News: My Fall Collection is Coming Soon! July 16, 2018 at 12:44PM

7 Beach Accessories Trends To Get Onboard With RN Despite the fact that I am currently shivering at my desk in an oversized woollen jumper, I have well and truly convinced myself that summer is just around the bend (it’s not). I have stopped looking at winter coats all together, and have instead been furnishing my shopping baskets with sarongs, high-cut swimwear, silk blouses and head scarfs instead. Fake tan has become my ride or die beauty product, and I nary watch a movie these days that doesn’t involve two people falling in love on vacation. Does shopping so far in advance of a season speak to my efficacy, or is this is a byproduct of lurking Instagram too often, whereby everyone in the entire world bar me seems to be on holidays in Europe? Either way, you better believe I am ready for the best summer of my life! It’s not set in stone yet, but I’m thinking my vibe for the warmer months this year will be 15-year-old coastal gal (i.e. the old me) meets rich Italian woman holidaying on the Amalfi Coast meets 80s prom. My online shopping habits of late confirm this melange of ~mewds~. One minute I’ll be all up in Etsy’s grill trying to find a pair of 90s metallic strappy stilettos, and then next I’ll be tossing up which colour Havaianas will be making their debut alongside a turquoise triangle bikini on the beach this year (the current frontrunner is the brazil logo in black, in case you were wondering). The overarching theme is to ‘have fun’ with getting dressed—a big, healthy step away from the whole minimalism/normcore/effortless tip that’s dominated my life for the past few years. Since I anticipate spending 99.9% of my free time at the beach once summer rolls around, I want to make sure my beach steez is as fly as possible. If you’re also keen on being the best version of yourself this summer, step right up, ‘cause below is a little beach accessories shopping edit that I prepared earlier. See you on the sand! Anklets Toes exposed A post shared by Courtney Trop (@alwaysjudging) on Jul 10, 2018 at 7:03am PDT Lunch A post shared by Courtney Trop (@alwaysjudging) on Jun 9, 2018 at 11:41am PDT I’ve always been partial to anklets, a.k.a the bracelets of the leg world. Along with toe rings, there is just something so satisfying about bedazzling your trotters. Once I slip a little gold anklet on, I am instantly transported to holidaying in Bali back in 2005. Ah, the glory days. Cowrie shell anklets were a staple of mine for years, and while I’m still kinda vibing them (especially after spying them on the ankles of one Courtney Trop ^), a more *mature* me is all about that gold lyfe. SPLURGE: This nameplate puppy is pure, unadulterated joy, as is this beautiful multi-coloured beaded anklet. SAVE: Etsy is a treasure trove for cowrie shell anklets (see here for proof), but if you’re more into that gold vibe, then this one should fit the bill! Bandeau Tops vintage issey miyake from dearest @irvrsbl A post shared by Eliana Gil Rodriguez (@elianagilrodriguez) on Jan 2, 2018 at 8:14am PST heatwave glam A post shared by Eliana Gil Rodriguez (@elianagilrodriguez) on Sep 1, 2017 at 6:57pm PDT What’s more fun than wearing a bra as a top? Nothing! These bad boys are great under sheer blouses or with a silk midi skirt (like this absolute #bargain that I literally just bought, or this other slightly more expensive but truly divine one) for a beach-to-bar nighttime lewk, or paired with pleated trousers à la dream girl Eliana Rodriguez. SPLURGE: Okay, okay, okay, I am close to hyperventilating, ’cause I just stumbled upon the best damn top I’ve ever seen. It’s here, and if you buy it for me, I’ll love you forever. This black bandeau top is much more affordable, and would be much easier to incorporate into your everyday style, I’ll admit. SAVE: I knew I could count on Glassons for a cost-effective take on this trend, and they more than provided with this mesh-back number. If you’re after a mid-range top, Ciao Lucia make some really cute white ones! Body chains typical A post shared by (@bellahadid) on Apr 21, 2018 at 8:28am PDT A post shared by (@bellahadid) on Apr 14, 2018 at 2:51pm PDT Body chains will make you feel like you are the star of your very own noughties R&B video clip, 100% money-back guarantee. You’ll especially feel like a kween if you douse yourself in Tom Ford’s Soleil Blanc Shimmering Oil before unleashing your chain onto the world. SPLURGE: Sorry to get all hyperbolic on you, but this body chain is the nicest thing I’ve ever seen in my liiiife. Yours too? Cool! Let it be known that I also wouldn’t hate being the proud owner of this beautiful bad boy. SAVE: If you want to be a bit kinder on your wallet, then this affordable red body chain looks super kewl both on bare skin and over a t-shirt, as does this mini jewel body chain! Sarongs A Moroccan story with @faithfullthebrand #faithfulltravels A post shared by AnneLaure Mais (@adenorah) on Feb 8, 2018 at 1:20am PST I basically just want to wear a sarong so I can whip out the following dad joke wherever I go: ‘sarong it’s right’. SPLURGE: This Ganni sarong is SO NICE (and there’s a matching bikini and scrunchie if you wanna go all out), and this Paradised Tasseled sarong just went on sale, so get in quick, friends! Would probs sell my future firstborn child for this Ganni leopard print sarong. SAVE: This JETS sarong is great, and it’s only seventy dollarydoos! Head Scarfs (via @palmaria) A post shared by CHRONICLES OF HER (@chroniclesofher_) on Jul 10, 2018 at 3:36am PDT Head scarfs will be the most versatile accessory in your arsenal (you can wear them around your neck as a scarf, in your hair or as a top!). SPLURGE: This Bess scarf is pure #goals (and is big enough to be worn as a top), as is this Deadly Ponies one. It should go without saying that this Gucci silk scarf is the epitome of luxury. SAVE: If your budget doesn’t allow for such things as Gucci head scarfs, DW this ASOS one is a super affordable, cute alternative! Sunglass Chains You might think in ‘Evil Under the Sun’ (1982) film, from Agatha Christie, when you see this picture A post shared by MarÃa Bernad (@maria_bernad) on Jun 28, 2018 at 6:05am PDT I am sooo here for trends that are as cute as they are practical, and eyewear chains hit both these criteria. They’re especially helpful if (like me) you are prone to losing all your belongings, all the time. SPLURGE: This Frame Chain one is minimalism at its finest, but if you’re looking to really turn heads, this Chloe one should do the trick. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t head-over-heels in this one also. SAVE: This Neon Hart chain will keep your sunnies company in affordable style. Sunglasses Took a one hour flight from Sydney to Ballina, hired a car and wound up in a rainforest it was a short but sweet adventure to celebrate @timmyhill’s birthday, but sometimes fresh air, nature, great company (and chilli margaritas) is all you need. Thanks for having us @thebyronatbyron A post shared by CARMEN HAMILTON (@carmengracehamilton) on Jul 13, 2018 at 1:43am PDT Now that you’ve purchased a cute AF chain, it’s time to adorn your face with some luxe new sunglasses. I’m still here for small glasses, but if Instagram is any indication, the bigger the better for summer 2018/19. SPLURGE: Throw shade in style with these oversized Fendi sunglasses, or play it cool as a cucumber in these red oval frame ones. SAVE: For a more cost-effective way to shield your retinas, these Le Specs cat-eye sunglasses should do the trick. Also, these Le Specs ‘The Heartbreaker’ sunglasses are actually so cute they almost made good on their name by snapping my heart in two. Words, Madeleine Woon The post 7 Beach Accessories Trends To Get Onboard With RN appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon

Sunday, 15 July 2018
Friday, 13 July 2018
Thursday, 12 July 2018
How To Kick A Style Rut, According To The COH Team I’m am the definition of fashionably late. Not because I consistently look great and rock up at a semi-reasonable hour. Oh, no! If I’m being really real, my predilection for tardiness can mostly be linked to my lack of organisational skills (it’s a W.I.P, guys), but it’s also largely because I have no flippin’ idea of what to wear most mornings. Life is pain, right? One day I’ll be leaning hard into a *look*, i.e. Italian chic (think head-to-toe silk, beige, loafers and a colourful head scarf), and then out of nowhere, I’ll decide I hate anything even remotely in-line with that aesthetic. It doesn’t make sense, even to me. When the ~vibe~ pendulum swings as frequently as it does, one is bound to experience a style rut. That’s not the only reason I find myself rutting on the regular (is it illegal to turn rut into a verb? If so, sue me). A change in season can induce a rut, or a lack of inspiration can be the cause. Most of the time, a rut will appear out of nowhere, unannounced, and I’m at a loss for words to describe how I ended up there. Très frustrating. Anyhow, enough with that tragic tale. Let’s get to solutions! I sent around a quick email around the office to see how my team mates kick their own style ruts. See below for their handy tips (and mine, too), should you find yourself ruttin’. Carmen, Founder/Editor Style rut tips: 1) How do you personally pull yourself out of a style rut? I grab an extra large espresso to go, get comfy and hit Pinterest. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through the main feed (which can be overwhelming to say the least), search for archival images of your favourite style icons. My go-tos are Lauren Hutton, Jane Birkin and Kate Moss (off duty in the 90s). Pay attention to the details in their outfits for new styling ideas. Then make a private board to save all of your inspo. By the end, you’ll have a visual mood board of the new you! I often find that looking back is the best way to move forward. 2) What go-to outfit do you rely on when you’re finding it hard to get dressed of a morning? A blazer, tee and jeans. Duh! 3) What cost-effective tricks do you suggest for people who are experiencing a rut?Get yourself a few cute hair accessories (hair clips, scrunchies or head scarves). They’re a cheap and cheerful way to breathe new life into tried and tested outfits! —– Georgie, Creative Assistant Style rut tips: 1) How do you personally pull yourself out of a style rut? Scouting through Instagram and finding outfits you like on there is a good starting point… (no crazy designer outfits) but odds are you will find an outfit and be like, “Hey I have a pair of pants like that tucked away somewhere”. No matter your personal style, sometimes it’s good to see someone else’s take on a style or trend. Also, at the moment I’m trying to get rid of quite a lot of stuff. I think that it’s easier to choose your outfit if you have a more manageable amount of clothes that you like, rather than hoarding all your old clothes and being in clutter (I am a real culprit of this). 2) What go-to outfit do you rely on when you’re finding it hard to get dressed of a morning?I usually get into a style rut in the wintertime because I get sick of wearing jeans and jumpers. So, I try to throw in a skirt every once in a while with a big oversized jumper and sneakers (Australia doesn’t get THAT cold—but Uniqlo heat tech and a coat can help in colder climates. 3) What cost-effective tricks do you suggest for people who are experiencing a rut?Before spending, start by going through all your stuff even stuff you may not have worn in a while. You may find a gem in there that can come back into your life or it’s a chance to declutter. Also, try vintage stores or op shops because they always have some unique pieces. Vintage handbags and other accessories can also help to spice up your outfits! —– Jai, Editorial Assistant Style rut tips:1) How do you personally pull yourself out of a style rut?Well, I’m constantly in a style rut, so for me, I like to sit down, take a deep breath and visualise an outfit… then hopefully it looks just as good when I put it into play (it usually doesn’t and then the whole process repeats again, but whatever).2) What go-to outfit do you rely on when you’re finding it hard to get dressed of a morning?Black trousers, always. Worn with a top I’m feeling at that moment, most of the time I like to wear black pants with a fitted top, but if I’ve had a big dinner the night before then I stick to something on the looser side. 3) What cost-effective tricks do you suggest for people who are experiencing a rut?Mmmm, I’d day definitely go and find yourself a pair of pants that you feel confident in, a pair of mum/boyfriend jeans or trousers, any pant that you feel comfortable and look good in! Or a cute skirt that goes with most tops you own. I find that when you have a good base on the bottom you can pretty much go from there in any direction you want! I think as well accessorising can totally mix up a look. I personally love to find cute little cheap bags from china town or DAISO (or any two dollar shop really). I go for quirky colourful bags because they’re the best way to uplift a sad outfit hehe! —– Madeleine, Content Editor Style rut tips: 1) How do you personally pull yourself out of a style rut?I watch old movies and music clips (the genre/era very dependent on what vibe I’m after, at the moment it’s 80s aerobics!), and look at old coffee table books. Sometimes I’ll hit up Instagram—but oftentimes I feel this just adds fuel to the veritable rut fire, as I become overwhelmed as hell at how good everyone else’s style is, and then comparatively feel like I should probably just set fire to my wardrobe and give. up. Dramatic! So many fire references! Otherwise, I’ll head to a nearby thrift or vintage store. I find that second-hand clothes shopping is a great way to rip you out of a style rut. It’s fun (especially if you go with a friend), and it forces you to be a bit more creative in your approach to dressing, instead of just buying into trends and brands. Also, there’s no greater joy than a wardrobe update for less than the cost of dinner, amirite? 2) What go-to outfit do you rely on when you’re finding it hard to get dressed of a morning?All-black. Turtlenecks. Nice pants. Sneakers for day, and strappy heels for night. 3) What cost-effective tricks do you suggest for people who are experiencing a rut?Thrift-store shopping! Also: fun D.I.Y projects (like tie-dying), culling your wardrobe (this will also force you to revisit things you don’t wear but probs should). Also accessorise, accessorise, accessorise! If your friends are into it, hosting a clothes swap is also a fun way to get rid of old clothes. Words, Jai Kaldor The post How To Kick A Style Rut, According To The COH Team appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Jai Kaldor

Asking For A Friend: Should I Use A Menstrual Cup? If you were to take a stroll through my Google Search history, you’d assume that the search engine and I were close friends. Not only do I talk to it as if it were human (anyone else miss that weird little butler from Ask Jeeves, PS?), I have asked it some very intimate (and oftentimes highly ~embarrassing~) questions over the years, pertaining to everything from pregnancy questions to that weird blotchy skin rash I sometimes get on my face when I’m drunk. I know I’m not the only one. We’re flawed humans after all, and sometimes our bodies like to do unsettling things. And so, our new segment ‘Asking For A Friend’ was born! Each week we’ll be discussing questions that you might not always wanna ask for yourself. Consider this Dolly Doctor for grownups. First up, we take a good look at the new sanitary sherif in town: menstrual cups! Plastic has been a big talking point in the office of late, and in particular what we can do to gently shove it out of our lives. ICYMI, we dissected all the ways in which you can sub plastic out with easily-implementable alternatives (like beeswax > glad wrap, genius). Good for the environment, good for your soul. Despite my (semi) best efforts to R.I.P plastic from my life, I still find myself absentmindedly grocery shopping, only to realise that I’ve filled my basket with various plastic-encased goods—frozen berries, self-serve walnuts in ziplock plastic bags, microwavable rice (which has thus far been my lazy gal work go-to, but like c’mon, me). My beauty shelf is brimming with plastic containers (also love you more than you could ever know, Beauty PRs, but what’s with all the plastic that’s involved in sending out products?). And, when it comes to cutting out single-use plastic, there’s one thing that always slips my minds. My period. If I’m being completely honest, I am still very much team tampon. Those little cotton warriors have been serving me well since my period came knocking on my door when I was 11-years-old (cry for young me). I’m yet to dabble in the world of period cups, but in the quest to reduce my plastic use, it makes sense to make the switch. I’ve been speaking to a few friends about period cups, and the general consensus is that they’re a great alternative to tampons/pads. As such, I hit up the internet to find out more about what they are, how they should be used, and what the benefits of using one are. If you’re thinking of making the switch, read on, friands! What Is A Menstrual Cup (see also: Moon Cup, Diva Cup, Period Cup) Period cups are smol, flexible bell-shaped cups that collect menstrual fluid instead of absorbing it, like your average tampon or pad. The stem is used for insertion and removal—once inserted, the cup creates a suction seal against the vaginal wall just below the cervix. Every 4-12 hours (depending on the amount of flow), the cup is removed, emptied, rinsed and re-inserted. One cup is reusable for up to five years or more. Can You Feel It? Not if you insert it correctly! So How Do I Insert It Correctly? Wash Yo’ Hands. That one’s pretty self-explanatory. Fold + Hold. Get comfy: you can insert the cup while sitting, standing or squatting. Spreading your legs will help with a successful and comfortable insertion. Relax. Fold the cup in on itself to make flat, then in half to form a C shape. Insert! Keep it rolled up and guide it rim first into the vagina. To check that the cup has fully opened, slide a clean finger up to the cup bottom and feel it—it should be round. Your period cup can be used any time in your menstrual cycle, from heavy to light flow days. Wear and learn. Your period cup should be emptied about 2–4 times a day, can be used for up to 12 hours, and also overnight. The measuring lines on the cup help monitor your flow and easily learn your rhythm. Remove and empty. Wash your hands and relax your muscles. Grasp the bottom of the cup. To break seal, squeeze the bottom of the cup. Be sure not to pull it out by holding the stem alone. Tip contents into the toilet. Clean and sanitize. Your period cup should be cleaned before and after your cycle, and after emptying. To avoid odor and discoloration, rinse first in cold water, and then wash with hot water and a specialised period cup cleanser. If that doesn’t make much sense to you, DW, here’s a video the internet prepared earlier: Can I Still Live My Most Active Life? Yeah, gurl. You can do anything you would do with a tampon in. Dance, run, move mountains, do whatever you like—this is your world, we’re all just living in it. The Benefits The environment: As discussed, it’s far more kind to the environment to use a cup rather than going through a packet of tampons and/or pads every month. The average woman uses around 10,000 to 12,000 disposable menstrual products in their lifetime. That’s a whole lot of plastic going to landfill. Your wallet: Menstrual cups cost around $50, and last over 5 years. It’s estimated that a woman spends around $2,000 on sanitary items throughout their lifetime (remember that here in Australia, tampons are considered a ~luxury~ item, and are taxed accordingly). I’m no mathematician, but it seems that investing in a period cup will save you a whole lotta cash! They hold more: Most people who use a period cup insert in the morning, and then empty of an evening. No trips to the bathroom every 2 hours! You get to know yourself better: Admittedly, I find blood in all its forms to be a little terrifying/gross. But! Period cups come with lines of measurement along the sides so that you can tell how much menstrual fluid is produced during your period. Kewl. What If I Need To Change It In Public? If the thought of washing your cup in a public sink fills you with terror, you can take a bottle of water into the cubicle to rinse it, or if you’re in a real bind just clean with a tissue and wait until you get home to give it a more thorough cleanse. Since you can usually keep it in all day, this shouldn’t be a regular issue. Where Do I Store It When I Don’t Have My Period? After thoroughly cleaning your period cup (most places suggest rinsing your cup, and immersing in boiling water for 5 minutes to disinfect), store in a fabric bag. Don’t store your cup in an airtight container, as it needs ventilation. Natural materials such as cotton are best. Are The Cups One Size Fits All? Not quite. The cups come in two standard sizes—one for women under the age of 30 who haven’t had a vaginal birth, and the other for women over thirty and/or women who have given birth vaginally. Why? Pelvic walls shift with age and childbirth so your cup size will change accordingly. Makes sense! Each company has different names for their sizes (some go by numbers, others by letters), but they all use this metric. No matter what, your a period cup will absolutely be able to fit properly inside of you. Woo! Can You Sleep With One In? Yep! You can rely on a menstrual cup to be worn during a full night’s sleep. However, if you have a heavy flow you may also want to back it up with a pad to prevent any accidents or leaks. Where Do I Buy One? Lunette make cute ones, as do Moon Cups. More questions? Let us know in the comments section below! The post Asking For A Friend: Should I Use A Menstrual Cup? appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Maddy Woon

Borrow Your Boyfriends Watch Wearing: Louis Vuitton watch, Michael Lo Sordo shirt, Christopher Esber pants It’s time to borrow your boyfriends watch, and not give it back. I love a minimal, classic and masculine watch. My accessories are minimal, so if i’m going to be wearing something on my wrist it has to be special. Nothing with diamonds or colours, special in a different way, of craftsmanship and undone elegance, something that can easily be found in mens watches. Wearing a men’s Louis Vuitton watch with your relaxed silhouettes of oversized shirting and the most flattering straight leg pant is just the perfect mix of femininity, red lip optional but encouraged. Photography by Ana Suntay-Tanedo *Shot in collaboration with Louis Vuitton Harper and Harley
Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Early Access July 12, 2018 at 05:20PM

As someone who’s always shopping, I often come across sales that are well worth the time it takes to hunt down the best items, so how could I not let you all know about early access to the Nordstrom Anniversary sale?!
Right now through 7/19, you can shop BRAND NEW FALL items (most around 40% off!) before the sale is open to the public. You just have to be a Nordstrom card holder to get access now, otherwise you’ll have to wait until 7/20.
Here’s what I’m buying + some of the things on my wishlist (most of which are size-inclusive, meaning the item is available in size XS – XXL, and some of the shoes go to size US 13!):
Here’s How To Master Masculine-Meets-Feminine Dressing They say life is all about balance, and I must agree. The older and (arguably) wiser I get, the more I notice my days are one big Circus-worthy juggling act—from running a business and nurturing a twelve-year relationship, to (gasp) battling a mortgage and keeping one eye on my health. That’s not even taking into consideration the effort that goes into ~looking the part~ while I do it (it’s called working in fashion, yo’). When it comes to the #fash side of things, my M.O. over the years has been all about fusing different parts of my personality together. My goal when getting dressed is to never lean too heavily into any one vibe, trend or mood. Instead, I’ve been trying to master the art of balance in my daily outfit choices—appearing “put together” without looking like I’ve spent the better part of this year deliberating over what to wear. Since my days are so varied, I like to make sure I’m always dressed like I’m getting down to business, whilst also staying true to my more feminine-leaning side. So basically if Lauren Hutton’s style and Jeanne Damas’s style had a little style baby. Cute! As you probs already know, I’m a big believer in reducing getting ready time of a morning in favour of much more fulfilling pursuits (like hunting down my next coffee and scrolling through Instagram, lel). As such, I’ve come to rely on a few quick styling principles that keep my looks feeling balanced. Here goes! Wearing Louis Vuitton top, trousers and watch. A suit is always a good idea A black suit is my go-to. It always looks chic, and you can make it work or weekend-appropriate with a few simple tweaks. But pulling it off is all about—you guessed it—softening the look with a few subtle touches. Haute tip: wearing your hair out will instantly make it more casj. You can also opt to pop on a pair of cute drop earrings and/or a feminine watch, and you’ll be well on your way to tomboy chic. Wearing Louis Vuitton skirt and watch. Opt for unexpected pairings IMO, the girls with the most interesting style have a knack for throwing together lewks that catch you off guard. A floral dress paired with combat boots and a men’s watch? Heaven. An oversized boyfriend suit worn with chic sling-backs and ladylike accessories? Even better. Start with your outfit, and then finish it off with shoes and accessories that balance the look. Case in point: this feminine lewk paired with a men’s watch (I’m more than a wee bit obsessed with the tomboy vibe of this Louis Vuitton one, especially when it’s chilling alongside a silk cami and strappy heels). Wearing Louis Vuitton top, trousers and watch. Harness the power of accessories Instead of succumbing to the fast fashion fad and buying a zillion different work outfit combos, invest in a couple of great pieces and change it up with accessories. The COH team can verify that I literally wear the same few pieces to the office most days, but I change it up with my accessories. Shoes, head scarves, jewellery, sunglasses and hair clips are all in my repertoire. Wearing Louis Vuitton top, trousers and watch. Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zone Yikes, I hear you say from behind your computer, and I feel you (remember that part where I said I practically wear the same thing every day?). But stepping outside of your comfort zone doesn’t have to be daunting, promise! If, like me, you’re all about that suit life, even trying something as simple as a ribbon in your hair, or pairing your suit trousers with a Victorian-era blouse can give your style an unexpected feminine update, whilst remaining true 2 yourself. Conversely, if you identity as more of a Jeanne than a Lauren, you can breathe life into your aesthetic by adding more androgynous pieces to your look (a men’s watch or dad sneakers, for example). PS: if you look to your right, you’ll see an example of me stepping well outside my comfort zone by cutting shapes in my armchair! Words, Carmen Hamilton | Photography, Georgie Wood-Weber The post Here’s How To Master Masculine-Meets-Feminine Dressing appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Carmen Hamilton

Wednesday, 11 July 2018
Jewellery Trends That Will Make Any Outfit *Pop* I literally feel naked without my rings on. My rings are beyond a necessity to me, they are part of who I am (the fact that this makes me kinda sound like Gollum is not lost on me, lel). This is in part because of how sentimental I am (each one has a spesh memory attached to it), and partly because I feel an outfit is never fully complete without jewellery. I’m of the strong opinion that you can wear a downright b-ooooring outfit, but chuck on an amazing necklace and/or pair of earrings, and your metamorphosis into a ~style icon~ is complete. Jewellery is a form of self-expression—a reflection of your personality, if you will. My jewellery mostly reflects what kind of mood I’m in. Daily, I tend to wear a medley of silver chains, which has been my thang since high school (I’m especially partial to DIY mitre 10 chainz), although if I wake up feeling like a big happy ball of sunshine and rainbows, I tend to pop on my colourful beaded charm necklace (also a DIY, courtesy of Spotlight), or my COH crystal gem earrings. I also feel that you can tell a lot about someone by the jewellery they wear. Generally, the gals I know that are into fine gold jewellery are of a softer nature, and my gal pals who are into colourful, thick and bold jewellery are usually more outgoing. This is undisputed fact***. Because jewellery is the beez kneez, I’ve put together a shopping edit of all the best jewellery trends of the moment, all of which will make any outfit sing (and loudly!) COLOUR POP NYC ~ open until 6! 81 Hester St. on the corner of Hester & Orchard A post shared by Tuza Jewelry (@tuzajewelry) on Jun 10, 2018 at 10:20am PDT Lately we’ve been seeing a lot of colourful statement pieces cutting around, and let the record state that I am very into it. As I said above, I wear colourful jewels when I’m feeling like a ‘big happy ball of sunshine and rainbows’, so I am hella down for this current craze. Brands like Tuza Jewelry make really cute colourful goodies out of resin. Roxanne Assoulin‘s ‘Technicolor Rainbow Necklace‘ and ‘Technicolor Rainbow Drop Earrings‘ made from Swarovski crystals are simply to die for, our very own COH ‘You’re A Gem‘ earrings will make you feel like a milli bucks (I have them in every colour, which will all be available on the COH shop, ~watch this space~), and Delicate Porcelain are bringing back all the childhood feels with their *awwww* worthy lettered bead bracelets and necklaces! PEARLY GOODNESS New kewt bewtz @netaporter #dressfromthefeetup #TheNETSET #ad A post shared by CARMEN HAMILTON (@carmengracehamilton) on Jun 8, 2018 at 3:29am PDT Pearls are a classic—always have been, always will be. They remind me of my grandma (which is a great thing, ’cause she was ever so chic and classy). She would wear simple teardrop pearl earrings with red lipstick, and that was the only real accessorising she would do. Amazing. Heaps of brands are bringing back the pearl of late, with Holly Ryan and her ‘Classic Pearl Drop‘ earrings, or Sarah & Sebastian’s ‘Perle Heirloom Ring‘ being two of my favourite iterations of the trend. Although, I have to say that Jasmin Sparrow takes the cake for me with the ‘Pia Drops‘ in gold from the JS x ENA collection. I’m in love. LAYER OVER LAYER OVER LAYER Is it too early to be taking selfies? I’ve been wondering since call time — 5:30 am. A post shared by Leandra (Medine) Cohen (@leandramcohen) on Jun 3, 2018 at 6:04am PDT Layering has been in for more than a wee minute, though it never seems to disappoint. This is a funny one for me. I only generally wear silver jewellery, however in the summer time after I’ve caught a *glowing* tan, I envision myself opting for gold necklaces, and then layering the sh*t out of them. I feel like a sexy Italian woman ready to take on the world when I’m dripping in gold, and I’m so into that ~vibe~ (can’t wait for summer 2k18/19). By the way, by layering, I literally mean wearing three to five necklaces of all different lengths and styles on top of one another. This can either look super messy (you need to know when enough is enough), or super fr3$h. Catbird always have the perfect chains for layering! SHE SELLS SEA SHELLS A post shared by MarÃa Bernad (@maria_bernad) on Jun 26, 2018 at 3:36am PDT Shells as accessories? Yay or nay? I say YAY, because it takes me back to my first trip to Fiji, where I bought home a cowrie shell necklace and didn’t take it off for months. It was so beaut. Jasmin Sparrow taking the cake again purely because of this and this and this and this. Though Sarah & Sebastian also take home a slice of the cake with their ‘Shell 9-karat Gold Diamond Hoop Earring‘—I personally own this, and it is the most beautiful piece of jewellery in my collection. Isabel Marant also do a super cute combo of Cowrie shell earrings, necklace and bangle. SAY MY NAME A post shared by @ bbgorlambs on Sep 17, 2017 at 10:55pm PDT The plated name necklace trend had its rebirth a while back (which makes sense, since we’re all obsessed with the era that spawned belly chains, low-rise jeans and boots with the furrrr, a.k.a the noughties), but my money is on it continuing to be a trend for many moons to come. You can reaaaaallly lean all the way into your own personal brand by customising a necklace with your name/nickname here. ***Okay, this is based more on personal observation not fact per say, but I stand by it anyway. Words, Jai Kaldor The post Jewellery Trends That Will Make Any Outfit *Pop* appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER. Jai Kaldor

WMBW Reviews – WearMe Pro Sunglasses Hands up if you’ve ever lost a pair of sunglasses? Or maybe sat on them, dropped them, scratched them? I’m guessing you’ve run out of hands!! I’m willing to bet you probably saved up for those sunnies too right? Saw them in a store, went back a couple of times, tried them on, took a selfie…sent that selfie to a friend for a second opinion…and then remortgaged your house to buy them. Sound familiar? It does to me, I did this my whole life…sometimes I still do. Sunglasses really are the ultimate accessory to bring a little edge to your outfit, but are they really worth the price tag? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about investing in classic pieces. I mean if you find the perfect pair of aviators that make your face look like Ryan Renolds, then you gotta snatch them up, whatever the price tag. However, sunglasses have definitely joined the world of fast fashion, so investing in a couple pairs of ‘on trend’ shades isn’t always the best idea. Odds are they’re gonna end up in a shoe box under your cupboard by the time the sun comes out next year anyway. So whatcha gonna do? You don’t want to wear the same glasses every day, but you don’t want to risk bankruptcy every time a new style comes out either. It sure is a pickle! Or at least it was, I guess. When WearMe Pro asked me to review their Shade Box subscription model I was a little sceptical at first – I’ve never been a fan of subscription boxes. But then I thought about the above, the sunglasses I had lost, or broken, or even worse, the new styles I hadn’t bought because of the price and the WearMe Pro mission started making sense “We are not here to make sunglasses with an overpriced logo, we are here to provide quality sunglasses at the most reasonable price.” Then I received my first batch and was sold. It works like this. Choose your gender, chose the styles and colour you generally like then choose your subscription length. Boom. You get 3 pairs in your mailbox for $30. It’s a pretty sweet deal. In terms of quality, they’re not the best sunglasses I’ve ever owned, but they’re certainly not the worst – in fact, I’ve paid far more for far less, to be honest. But I kinda think thats the point right? It’s fast fashion, if you sit on them or lose them to a surprise wave, you just wait till your next shipment arrives or just replace them directly from the online store for under $15. I really love this idea and dig that it’s a family run business just wanting to make everyone look great for a little less. If you’re a sunglass addict without the funds to support your habit, I really suggest checking them out. Okay. Stay fancy. whatmyboyfriendwore

Two days ago I asked you on my instastories “what do you want to know about our experience with James and Stella walking the Bonpoint Spring-Summer 2019 show, and our family trip to Paris?” and obviously most of you are interested in how it goes behind the scenes at a kids show, and of course, our recommendations for a family trip to Paris. Starting with the latter; going to Paris with two little kids isn’t really that different from going to Paris as a couple. There are little implications, like you’re not going to have dinner past midnight, or drink wine in that little romantic Parisian bistro – well, maybe one glass – and I could argue renting an apartment instead of staying at a hotel, but considering our experience is that the French don’t mind – well behaved – kids in their restaurants or hotels, you can pretty much go wherever you used to go. French couples we know, with kids, didn’t completely change their lives either, after they have little ones. They just make sure their kids have the proper manners to be in a “grown up” environment, which I believe a lot of kids are lacking in New York City. Not really any offense to New Yorkers and their kids, or NYC restaurants, but I do find that when you live for example on the Upper West, there’s definitely certain places most parents go for dinner with their kids, because it’s a kid-friendly place. Yet, it’s not a necessarily a place where you want to go as a grown up. Anyway, my point is, just make sure they are raised with good table manners – bring an iPad if you want to drink that last glass of wine – and you are fine anywhere in Paris/France. To my French readers: Please correct me if I’m wrong! I would love to hear your thoughts on this! Now back to the part where you want to know more about the “Backstage with Bonpoint” because that’s definitely THE MOST ASKED question… If you want to get tips on places to go with kids, leave a comment below!
Being backstage at the Bonpoint Spring-Summer 2019 show is not that much different from any other backstage experience I have; it’s bustling, it’s warm, and people run around, all on their way to do “something important”. Yet, it’s completely different from any of my backstage experience – Victoria Secret show, Fenty by Rhianna, Valentino, name it and they are all the same – in the sense that at Bonpoint everyone smiles! There’s a very happy atmosphere, and everyone is well taken care of. Of course! No parent would just leave their kid backstage for a show if they didn’t know it would be perfect. No stranger can come near my little ones, nor would I EVER let them anywhere where I wasn’t sure they would be okay. And again – I’ve said this many times before – James and Stella are free, and definitely vocal enough, to say if they don’t want to walk the show. We, as parents, are not in this for any monetary reason – for those who asked if they earn money with walking the show: they are not earning tons, and whatever they earn goes into their trust account. We are letting them walk the show, because we love the brand, and we’ve built an amazing relationship with the wonderful people in the New York office. Plus, we are huge fans of Christine Innamorato, the Creative Director of Bonpoint. And the love is both ways, so therefore they love to see James and Stella come back every season.
Another question I got from some of you is how we got involved with the brand. Well, that’s pretty straight forward. The nature of my job has always been around (personal) styling, creating creative content for luxury brands, and brand consulting. So when Bonpoint reached out a few years back, when we just moved to Toronto actually, and asked if we were interested in attending the show during Haute Couture, we loved the idea! We would be there as a guest of the brand, and the kids would be dressed in the latest collection. James and Stella didn’t walk the show the first time, but we did create beautiful content for them on Social media. Yet, after the first show, when James and Stella were actually very disappoint they were not walking the show themselves, they asked us if we would be open to that. We thought about this well, talked about it with the kids, and decided it would be a wonderful experience. The foundation for our love for the brand is the true craftsmanship and the quality of the clothes. Needless to say, Bonpoint is one of the most respected luxury brands in the world, so along the line of my personal brand – Thefashionguitar – this was the most logic collaboration if it were involving my kids. And so, over the past three years, we’ve built a beautiful, mutual beneficial relationship, in which we are all very happy!
Then someone asked if the kids get hair and makeup. Yes they do. The makeup is obviously very minimal for the obvious reason: they are all kinds and don’t need anything anyway! Yet, the lights – and the heat in Paris in July – are not ideal for the runway photos, even with kids, so they use al little powder on their faces, and as you can see, a bruise here and there gets a bit of camouflage. But as you can see in the images, James has some scratches on his face, those were not at all covered with makeup. Other than that, they are completely au natural. Oh actually, James did joke about the lipstick he had to wear! Which turned out to be lip balm, duh, but he though it was hilarious! the kids’ hair on the other hand is a big thing, and definitely this season. Scroll down and see cutest braids with ribbons in Stella’s and the other girl’s hair. I’m obsessed, and 100% the need to try it myself…
What do they do backstage? Every kid has their own person, who stays with them a 100% of the time, unless the kids are physically on the runway. Then this person would be waiting for the kid to get off the runway, and get them safe and sound back to their backstage seat. This person makes sure they are alright, that they have something to drink and eat – and get lots of Haribo candy, heaven. They also get them dressed in their looks in time, with little to no stress. They give the little ones that secure feeling they need. As a parent you really have nothing to worry about, they are in good hands. However, in the case of an emergency, every parent who has a kid walking in the show is waiting in another area, so if they need you, you are near! Then, as you can see below too, the kids all have their own rack with their looks and props.
Last but not least… Is there also a lot of waiting? Yes, it still is a fashion show, and that means there’s also a lot of waiting. But with a lot I mean just a little really, because from the time you drop them off backstage until they show starts is about an hour and a half. So realistically it all goes quite fast. Yet, of course, they need to rehearse at least one time, and get them in hair and makeup, one by one. So there’s a little waiting involved. But, as mentioned before, there’s a good vibe, there’s candy, and enough mischief to have an amazing afternoon!
Photos by Hana Le Van for Thefashionguitar.com