The Best Designer Tote Bags For Your 9-To-5 Life
If you’re anything like me, your handbag will generally house a hodgepodge of useless items and a distinct lack of the necessary things required to get you through the day (keys, wallet, phone, lipgloss). For me, this comes from having an extensive rolodex of handbags on the go at any given time. I like to coordinate my bag to my outfit—as any ~self-respecting lady~ does—however switching between them with such high frequency means that all my possessions inevitably get split across various receptacles. A nightmare! Keys get forgotten, cards get left behind.
As you can imagine, this brings about a lot of very annoying micro-traumas to my everyday life. I know the local locksmith better than I know thy own self, and am constantly dashing out to get cardless cash from the ATM in lieu of being able to pay for things on card like a normal person. Most importantly, without a regular hit of lipgloss, my lips become very sad.
In an attempt to bring some order to my 9-5, I decided to invest in a good ol’ fashion tote bag. The money I was going to save on locksmiths alone was enough reason to *take the next step* and sink money into a sleek, high quality bag. Having carried my possessions around in a shiny new tote every singly day for the past three weeks, I can safely say that my life has become considerably more calm, streamlined and chic as a result.
Why stop there? I thought to myself. Why not scour the internet for similar bags, so our dear readers may also know what it’s like to live a serene 9-5 life?
With those thoughts in mind, I present you the best tote bags for your work week, no matter your style or budget. You can thank me later (or, you know, in the comments section below ;).
The post The Best Designer Tote Bags For Your 9-To-5 Life appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER.
Maddy Woon
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